Soft Piano, Violin & Cello for Autumn Rain Nights

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We Must ALL LIVE on this same Planet
Together, so therefore, we must All Strive
to Promote Peace and Understanding
wherever possible between Nations,
Peoples, Cultures and Religions,
and we must choose NEGOTIATIONS
and Trade over Warfare anywhere
there is conflict and suffering
in Our Own Home World.

This is the only way we can
'de-fang' the perpetual

Globalist Corporate
Criminal Cartel
'War Machine'!



- Earth Changes: Worlds Between the Earth and the Sky -

[ Global Warming a Climate Change Fraud ]

[ Geoengineering a Biosphere Collapse ] ---------- [ Earth's Magnetic Field Pole is Shifting ]
----------------------------------------------------- (Page Pending)

80% of Carbon Emissions Come From Corporate Billionaires and Government Bureaucrats

Climate Change is REAL!... But it is Also

The truth is that the Earth's climate has been changing for millions and billions of years (over eons of time) ever since the Earth had originally formed. The Earth's atmosphere is a very complex and dynamic system with numerous variables that affect the way it behaves. And of all these variables, the output of energy from the Sun is by far the largest determinant of atmospheric conditions on every one of the planets in our solar system. All others are secondary.

Regarding the demonization of Carbon Dioxide and the so called "War on Carbon", the assertion that "Carbon Dioxide is a pollutant" is patently and scientifically absurd because Carbon Dioxide (CO2) and Oxygen (O2) both comprise what can absolutely be considered to be 'The Breath of Life' for all living things here on Planet Earth. These two gases are the primary reason that life here even exists.

Let's have a 'high school science review', shall we?: Plants breathe CO2, and animals, including humans breathe oxygen (O2). Plants take in CO2, water, nutrients, and sunlight to process photosynthesis where they release O2 for animals and humans to breathe. All plants,including all of our food crops, grow bigger and better in the presence of higher CO2 levels--not less, and when they do, they release more O2 when they have higher levels of CO2 available for this process... That is why many greenhouse operators actually use CO2 generators to increase their plant yields. In other words, the more CO2 that plants have access to, the more they flourish to create more O2 for animals and humans to breathe, and the more they will create higher crop yields for animals and humans to eat. So, less CO2 means less plants means less O2 is produced and available for animals and humans to breathe. So Carbon Dioxide along with Oxygen are intricately linked. The 'official narratives' they have been feeding us for a long time now about Carbon Dioxide are lies that actually runs counter to the REAL SCIENCE about how our atmosphere really works. In fact all living things, plants and animals, including tou, are made mostly of carbon, So the "War on carbon" is in actuality a 'War against life itself on Planet Earth... So essentially, Carbon is essential to Plant Life, and Animal Life is dependent upon Plant Life... Get the picture?...

So, let's just review some simple and basic high school science related to the Earth's Photosynthesis,
Carbon and Oxygen Cycle Facts,
shall we?...

Starting with Photosynthesis...

The Carbon Cycle here

So you see here that every thing from CO2 respiration from animals and plants, to the decay of plant and animal matter, to the industrial release of the mineralized carbon in fossil fuels to produce energy, all feed the photosynthesis of all growing plants including food crops. This is why you see greenhouse operators use CO2 generators to make their plants grow larger and healthier. The more Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere, the more plant life thrives on Earth. It's a proven fact. The more plant life thrives on Earth, the more Oxygen they release into the atmosphere (and in the oceans) for animals to breathe. And all the cells in your body need Oxygen to survive.

Less Carbon Dioxide in the atmosphere means less plant life. Less plant life means less Oxygen. Less Oxygen means less animal life.

And here you can see it here represented in another way...

And another way...

And here the Oxygen Cycle...

"The GREEN New Deal"
should actually be called:
"The BROWN New Deal!"

May 11, 2024
Climate Change is Driven by Changes in Orientation of Earth to Sun, Not Carbon Emissions, New Analysis of Berkeley Earth Data Shows

Climate change is being driven by a change in the orientation of the Earth to the Sun rather than carbon dioxide emissions, new analysis of data from Berkeley Earth shows.

The analysis is set out in full here... [ READ MORE ]

May 11, 2024
CLIMATE LOCKDOWNS ARE COMING: They Plan To FORCE You Into Carbon Credit System

Smart meters which will tell governments how much gas, electricity and water you use on a regular basis to ensure you will only be rationed what they believe you deserve as they deliberately collapse food and energy supply.

Josh Sigurdson reports on the news of gas companies in the UK calling for smart meters to be forced on everyone to make the creation of “smart cities” more “efficient.”

Of course this is something we’ve been warning of for many years. That they would force people into 15 Minute Cities with a new CBDC replacement of the dollar which is attached to carbon credits and social credit. With the carbon credits, they will track you on your bank account and on the street.

Report Finds ‘No Evidence’ of a Climate Emergency

Sep 18, 2022 - Runtime: 4:31 - An international study has found that there is
“no evidence” of a climate emergency, says Sky News host Chris Smith.

Oct 04, 2023
WATCH: A real climate scientist debunks 'crisis' claims

Weather-related deaths have plunged 97% over last century

A real climate scientist has appeared on video debunking those claims that the world is in "crisis," that "people are dying" because of the climate, and all those charges leveled by activists. In fact, the science shows that over the last 100 years, the deaths related to climate have dropped – by 97%.

The comments come from Judith Curry, a climatologist who has published more than 140 scientific books and papers and has served on the faculty of Georgia Tech.

Her comments came in an interview with commentator John Stossel:

Oct 02, 2023
Greenpeace Canada Co-Founder Admits “We Are Not In A Climate Crisis”

"The whole climate alarmism - ‘climate catastrophe’ - is 100% untrue."

The co-founder of Greenpeace Canada told podcast host Dan Proft that “climate alarmism is 100% untrue.”

“They said it was the hottest year in the history of the earth the other day, and it’s not,” Patrick Moore told Proft on the “Counterculture” podcast.

“That’s just, period, a lie.”

“The whole climate alarmism – ‘climate catastrophe’ – is 100% untrue,” said Moore. [ READ MORE ]

Oct 02, 2023
World Economic Forum wants to CRIMINALIZE 'climate inaction'!

Globalists characterize failure to join climate cult as 'human rights violation

Running too many electric lights, for too long?

It could boost your utility bill.

And it could make you a criminal.

Likewise you would be "criminal" if you are guilty of "climate inaction" by not meeting the demands of those who have submitted to the ideology that man-made global warming – changed to climate change when the warming stopped – is going to destroy life on the planet if people don't start driving electric cars, using electricity from giant, eagle-slicing windmills and such.

Slay News explained the World Economic Forum is calling on governments around the globe to turn into criminals anyone who fails through "climate inaction."

Severe penalties must follow, the WEF said, because those offenses would be classified as a "human rights violation." [ READ MORE ]

Sep 19, 2023
Climate Cult high priests increasingly rule the world

1 degree temperature rise in 100+ years is pretext for civilization-destroying agenda For decades, claims that human-caused climate change is rapidly destroying the earth have been preached with the authority of sacred Scripture by true believers, a vast group that includes virtually the entire “mainstream media,” Big Tech, Democrats, some scientists, and academia from preschool through grad school.

And of course, all globalists. Al Gore, at a recent World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, preached a fire-and-brimstone sermon, assuring the faithful that climate change is indeed decimating planet earth. “That’s what’s boiling the oceans,” he railed, his voice rising to a fever pitch, “creating these atmospheric rivers, and the rain bombs, and sucking the moisture out of the land, and creating the droughts, and melting the ice and raising the sea level, and causing these waves of climate refugees!”

Although Gore and other global-warming prophets have amassed a spectacular record of making dramatic, time-specific predictions that have utterly failed to materialize, nevertheless, so-called “climate change deniers” are increasingly likened to “Holocaust deniers.” Psychological organizations now pathologize “climate change denialism” as virtually some sort of mental illness. And Democrat politicians – including of course Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who publicly predicted “the world will end” by 2032 – have nothing but contempt and disgust for the unconverted. Even Joe Biden recently attacked skeptics of catastrophic climate change as “lying, dog-faced pony soldiers.”

Yet ironically, today’s high priests of climate-change apocalypse are actually correct in predicting that in just a few short years, the earth may well become miserable, wretched and almost uninhabitable by human beings.

(Hint: They are not really 'predicting', they are 'promising'.) [ READ MORE ]

Sep 15, 2023
Apple ad blasted for suggestion people be … ELIMINATED!

'Our aim is to permanently remove carbon from the atmosphere'

A new global warming-inspired video from Apple that promotes the company's green ideology is being blasted for its comment that can be read as a suggestion that humans be eliminated. In fact, all "carbon," which includes living things.

Humans, in fact, are a carbon-based life form.

Only Zoology states, "Carbon is the most important element of life. About 18% mass composition of the human body is composed of carbon. … Carbon is a prominent structural element of the various important molecules like carbohydrates, fats, nucleic acids, and proteins in our body. Not only humans but Carbon is also a primary component of all known life on Earth. Carbon represents approximately 45–50% of all dry biomass on earth."

The ad that raised eyebrows: [ READ MORE ]

Sep 13, 2023
Here's the Climate Dissent You're Not Hearing About Because It's Muffled by Society's Top Institutions

As the Biden administration and governments worldwide make massive commitments to rapidly decarbonize the global economy, the persistent effort to silence climate change skeptics is intensifying – and the critics keep pushing back.

This summer the International Monetary Fund summarily canceled a presentation by John Clauser, a Nobel Prize-winning physicist who publicly disavows the existence of a climate “crisis.” The head of the nonprofit with which Clauser is affiliated, the CO2 Coalition, has said he and other members have been delisted from LinkedIn for their dissident views.

Meanwhile, a top academic journal retracted published research doubting a climate emergency after negative coverage in legacy media. The move was decried by another prominent climate dissenter, Roger Pielke Jr., as “one of the most egregious failures of scientific publishing that I have seen” – criticism muffled because the academic says he has been blocked on Twitter (now X) by reporters on the climate beat.

The climate dissenters are pressing their case as President Biden, United Nations officials, and climate action advocates in media and academia argue that the “settled science” demands a wholesale societal transformation. That means halving U.S. carbon emissions by 2035 and achieving net zero emissions by 2050 to stave off the “existential threat” of human-induced climate change.

In response last month, more than 1,600 scientists, among them two Nobel physics laureates, Clauser and Ivar Giaever of Norway, signed a declaration stating that there is no climate emergency, and that climate advocacy has devolved into mass hysteria. The skeptics say the radical transformation of entire societies is marching forth without a full debate, based on dubious scientific claims amplified by knee-jerk journalism. [ READ MORE ]

Sep 12, 2023
The elites' breathtaking strategy for ruling entire world exposed

Today’s high priests of climate-change apocalypse are undoubtedly correct in predicting that in just a few short years, the earth may well become miserable, wretched and almost uninhabitable by human beings.

But ironically, such a grim future won’t come about because of “catastrophic climate change,” as global-warming zealots claim. Rather, the earth will become the pitiful and desolate habitat for mankind they predict, with massive suffering and death – if their genuinely catastrophic agenda is actually implemented.

Dr. Patrick Moore, co-founder of the environmental group Greenpeace, recently said regarding the elites’ insistence on reducing greenhouse gases to “Net Zero”: “If they actually achieve Net Zero, at least 50% of the population would die of hunger and disease.”

Likewise, energy expert Alex Epstein, in his critically acclaimed book, “Fossil Future,” writes: “Today’s proposed policies to rapidly eliminate fossil fuel use would, if fully implemented, have truly apocalyptic consequences – making the world an impoverished, dangerous, and miserable place for most people. And even if fossil fuel elimination policies aren’t fully implemented,” he adds, “… even widespread restrictions on fossil fuel use that fall far short of elimination will shorten and inflict misery on billions of lives, especially in the poorest parts of the world.” [ READ MORE ]

Aug 13, 2023
Biden Regime to Spend $1.2 Billion to VACUUM Carbon Dioxide From The Sky

U.S. government plans to deploy technology known as "direct air capture" as part of WEF's Great Reset agenda.

The Biden administration on Friday announced a $1.2 billion initiative to vacuum up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere in an effort to achieve a “net-zero global economy” by 2050.

Department of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm said in a statement that the $1.2 will be used to develop two commercial-scale “direct air capture” facilities in Texas and Louisiana.

The US Department of Energy said it will give over $1 billion in federal grants to projects that help remove carbon from the atmosphere, making it the first major investment into direct air capture technology by federal authorities.

Aug 12, 2023
Scientist Admits to Spreading Alarm About Climate Change: “It’s a Manufactured Consensus”

Climate scientist Judith Curry, once the darling of environmental advocacy groups, says the doomsday consensus around climate change is “manufactured”.

In a bombshell interview with John Stossel, she speaks openly about being part of the government-funded climate alarmism complex. Here’s an excerpt from Stossel’s piece about the interview: [ READ MORE ]

Aug 10, 2023
EPA's new climate rule would cause rolling blackouts in huge swath of America

Would regulate carbon dioxide emissions for power plants

Proposed Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulations for power plant emissions could spur blackouts in the Midcontinent Independent System Operator (MISO) power grid region and cost stakeholders nearly $250 billion in the coming decades, according to comments filed in response to the rule by the Center of the American Experiment (CAE).

The average annual cost to stakeholders of building enough capacity to stave off the blackouts CAE projects in the MISO region is greater than the average annual benefit the EPA estimates its proposals will bring for the entire country by 2055, according to CAE’s analysis.

“This is the regulatory equivalent of studying the structural integrity of the top floor of a 100-story building without doing so for the preceding 99 floors,” Isaac Orr, policy fellow for the CAE and coauthor of CAE’s comments, told the Daily Caller News Foundation.

Proposed Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rules regulating carbon dioxide emissions for power plants would lead to blackouts in a large slice of the Midwest and impose costs of nearly $250 billion, according to new analysis by the Center of the American Experiment (CAE). [ READ MORE ]

Aug 08, 2023
Claims that ‘Global Boiling’ Led to “Shocking” Melting of Greenland Ice Sheet are Nonsense – the Ice Sheet is Currently Bigger Than Normal

The new era of ‘global boiling’ has brought a return of the much loved climate scare story featuring the imminent demise of the Greenland ice sheet. The Daily Mail recently ran a headline noting the ‘Impact of Global Boiling‘, saying it has “shocking” photos showing how much the ice sheet has melted during the “hottest month ever recorded on Earth”. Snow melt is said to be higher than the 1981-2010 average.

But, alas, those who strive for accuracy in these matters are likely to quibble. The Earth is not “boiling” – that is the unhinged raving of the UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres – the claim about July comes from a computer model, while “ever” refers to data of varying quality going back barely 150 years. Furthermore, the surface balance of ice on the Greenland ice sheet is higher than the 1981-2010 average, and could improve on last’s year performance, when there was little or no loss of the surface mass after the brief summer melting season. [ READ MORE ]

Jul 02, 2023
Biden opens door to Bill Gates-style sun dimming to fight climate change

Make America dimmer? It's a concept President Joe Biden might be willing to explore.

A new White House report praises the theory of what has been called solar radiation modification (SRM) – a geoengineering concept that seeks to use various ways to block the sun’s rays from hitting the planet with the concept that this can reverse global warming.

Bill Gates has supported technology in which particles would be spread in the atmosphere to block sunlight from reaching the surface of the Earth, as noted by Forbes. In February, George Soros lent his support to a project using solar geoengineering to reflect more sunlight back into space, according to Fortune.

May 19, 2023
The Club Of Rome:
How Climate Hysteria Is Being Used To Create Global Governance

The Club of Rome is now a shell of its former glory filled with silly hippies, most likely because the UN and other globalist think-tanks have taken on the role the group used to play. However, the shadow of the original Club is ever present and its strategy of climate fear-mongering is being wielded right now to justify increasing government suppression of energy and agriculture.

If they are not stopped by the public, totalitarian carbon mandates will become the norm. The next generation, living in engineered poverty, will be taught from early childhood that the globalists “saved the world” from a calamity that never really existed. They will be told that the enslavement of humanity is something to be proud of, a gift that keeps the species alive, and anyone who questions that slavery is a selfish villain that wants the destruction of the planet.

In the early 1970s the US and much of the western world was shifting into a stagflationary economic crisis. Nixon removed the dollar completely from the gold standard in 1971 with the aid of the Federal Reserve (or perhaps under the direction of the Fed) which ultimately escalated inflation pressures.

Europe’s post war boom came to an abrupt end, while prices on goods (and oil/gasoline) in the US skyrocketed up until 1981-1982, when the Federal Reserve jacked interest rates up to around 20% and created a deliberate recessionary crash.

Interestingly, the IMF had created the SDR system in 1969 just before the gold standard was cut (the same SDR which the IMF is poised to use as the foundation of a global digital currency mechanism). And, the World Economic Forum was founded in 1971.

The time period is often depicted in films as a happy-go-lucky era of disco, drugs, hippes and rock n’ roll, but the reality is that the early 1970s was the beginning of the end for the west – it was the moment that our economic foundations were sabotaged and the affluence of the middle class was slowly but surely stolen by inflation.

In the midst of this economic “malaise,” which Jimmy Carter later referred to as a “crisis of confidence,” the United Nations and associated globalist round table groups were hard at work developing a scheme to convince the population to embrace global centralization of power. Their goals were rather direct. They wanted: [ READ MORE ]

May 22, 2023
News giant now a paid 'mouthpiece' for climate-obsessed donors

Took $8 million from activists to write about global warming

The Associated Press, which was organized as a media channel back when "channel" meant the telegraph wires stretching across the open plains between cities, is being accused of turning itself into a "mouthpiece" for activists with an "obsession" about global warming.

According to a report from columnist Paul Bedard at the Washington Examiner, who obtained a copy of a study from Media Research Center Business, the legacy news organization accepted more than $8 million from "key climate change advocates" a year ago.

Since then, it has unleashed on its readers, in the form of news "stories," 64 projects "warning of environmental calamity."

The study's authors wrote, "The so-called 'journalism' AP has been doing on climate involves behaving like the de facto mouthpiece for its major left-wing donors who have an obsession with pushing apocalyptic climate narratives on the internet." [ READ MORE ]

May 14, 2023
Time has run out for 'forecasts
of climate apocalypse'

Charles III and the climate record he must live down

This Saturday’s coronation of King Charles III marks a significant moment in Britain’s history. No previous constitutional monarch has expressed his political views so openly. Unlike his mother and grandfather, whose opinions, if they had any, remained unknown to the general public, the king’s record-setting seventy years as heir apparent to the British throne saw him define himself as a deeply committed environmentalist.

In 2000, the BBC invited the then-Prince of Wales to give the last of the 2000 Millennium Reith lectures on sustainable development. Charles spoke of his belief in the “bounds of balance, order and harmony in the natural world which sets limits to our ambitions and define the parameters of sustainable development.” He name-checked the founders of the modern environmental movement—Rachel Carson and Fritz Schumacher, authors, respectively, of Silent Spring and Small is Beautiful. He embraced the precautionary principle, warning that the absence of hard scientific evidence of harmful consequences from genetically modified (GM) crops should not be taken as a green light to exceed nature’s limits. [ READ MORE ]

May 08, 2023
Scientific American Essay Applauds Population Decline as ‘Good News’

A world with fewer people means a changed climate and better outcomes for the remaining population – human and otherwise – of the planet, an essay in Scientific American magazine claims.

The opinion piece, authored by Stephanie Feldstein, points to the U.N. predicting dozens of countries will have shrinking populations by 2050 as “good news.”

The premise is further enhanced by the claim the planet is suffering from overpopulation that diminishes wildlife habitats and ecosystems as human impact has a deleterious effect on everything around it. The essay states:

The loss of biodiversity is tragic in itself. A world without elephants, hellbender salamanders and the million other species at risk of extinction in the coming decades would be deeply impoverished. Wild plants and animals enrich our lives and hold vital ecosystems together. The fresh water we need to survive, the plants we rely on for food and medicine, and the forests we depend on for clean air and carbon sequestration are all the product of complex interactions between life-forms ranging from microbes and pollinators to carnivores and scavengers.

When even a single thread is pulled from that tapestry, the entire system can unravel.

Ultimately the opinion piece, written by the “population and sustainability director at the Center for Biological Diversity, ” states, “Population decline is only a threat to an economy based on growth. Shifting to a model based on degrowth and equity alongside lower fertility rates will help fight climate change and increase wealth and well-being.”

Humans therefore must choose between population growth and the survival of the planet, the essay posits, repeating previous claims that “declining populations and ageing demographics” help governments meet climate change goals: [ READ MORE ]

May 03, 2023
EU Backs Dutch Scheme to Forcibly Shut Down Thousands of Farms, Ban Farmers From Returning to Agriculture Forever

Dutch plan would forcibly shut down thousands of farms

The European Commission in Brussels has backed a scheme by the globalist government of Prime Minister Mark Rutte in the Netherlands that would see thousands of farms shut down in order to comply with EU climate goals.

On Tuesday, the governing arm of the European Union officially threw its support behind plans by the Dutch government to buy out thousands of farmers from their lands in order to meet the EU’s Natura 2000 scheme to protect certain environments. The plan, which would offer farmers 120 per cent of the value of their farm, could see some 3,000 so-called “peak” emitters of nitrogen shut down.

It was unclear before this week whether the EU would permit such a scheme, as it could have potentially fallen afoul of regulations surrounding state aid or subsidies. However, Brussels said that the plans were “necessary and appropriate” as they met the broader goals of the European Green Deal.

In addition to the plan to buyout — or eventually force out if they refuse — the “peak” emitting farms, the government is also planning a separate scheme that would give dairy, pig, and poultry farmers a deal for 100 per cent of the value of their farm if they wished to shut down. In total, some 1.4 billion euros is expected to be set aside for both farm shutdown schemes.

Should the plan go ahead, it would not only be a major blow for the farming industry in the Netherlands, which is one of the most productive in Europe but could potentially impact other nations as well, given that part of the condition of the buyout scheme is that the Dutch farmers would be prohibited from moving to other countries and starting up farms abroad, meaning that their knowledge and expertise would be squandered. [ READ MORE ]

Mar 17, 2023
Staggering price tag, logistical hurdles makes Biden's climate agenda a 'fool's errand'

Would cost nearly $50 trillion, require massive shift in makeup of U.S. workforce

It would cost nearly $50 trillion and require a massive shift in the makeup of the U.S. workforce for the economy to hit President Joe Biden’s goal of an economy that produces net-zero carbon emissions by 2050, according to a study by The Global Warming Policy Foundation released Thursday.

To account for rising transport and heating demand in addition to typical increases in demand for electricity, the U.S. electrical grid would need to grow about 60%, renewables would need to provide four times the level they do currently and a skilled workforce of roughly 3 million people would need to be developed rapidly and maintained until 2050, according to the study. The cost to modify the electric grid in this way would be roughly $12 trillion, while the cost to fully electrify homes and eliminate heating sources like natural gas would cost roughly $35 trillion, even when accounting for methods to limit costs like improved insulation in U.S. housing. [ READ MORE ]

Jan 07, 2023
Big Media getting paid off by climate change advocates

AP takes 'millions' 'to promote the need for green investments'

The AP, the legacy media outlet that dates to the 1800s when telegraph wires were the high-tech way of moving information from one city to another, has admitted that it is getting paid by special interests. For its reporting.

A report from the Washington Standard documents the wire service confirmed last year it had "scored" $8 million "to promote claims of global warming."

"The AP impartially described this massive conflict of interest as an illustration of 'how philanthropy has swiftly become an important new funding source for journalism,'" the report explained.

One of its officials claimed, "This far-reaching initiative will transform how we cover the climate story." "That is no doubt true. And an incredibly damaging admission," the Standard explained. [ READ MORE ]

Dec 19, 2022
Forget Oil.
Now They Are Coming for the Cows

Not satisfied with hamstringing the oil and gas industries, environmentalists now are shutting down farms and production of livestock, all in the name of fighting climate change

But people still need to eat

First, they came for the oil, now they’re coming for the cows.

Environmentalists have no shame or sense and farmers around the world are, forget the pitchforks, “setting hay bales ablaze and dumping manure on motorways,” report April Roach, Tracy Withers, Jen Skerritt, and Agnieszka de Sousa for Bloomberg.

Never mind that food prices have spiked around the world. For instance, grocery prices are up 13 percent in the US this year. The Dutch government said it would buy out as many as three thousand of the biggest emitters (farmers) in a voluntary one-time offer. While the weather turns cold and gas supplies become scarce the green gang in Holland is setting aside €24.3 billion ($25.6 billion) to fund the transition. “Those who refuse will be forced out of business,” reports Bloomberg.

Bloomberg’s quartet of reporters doesn’t say what the government will do with the land once they seize it, but you can detect their point of view with this, “Intensive farming—and decades of official inaction—have devastated biodiversity in the Netherlands, forcing the government to impose drastic measures.”

“Devastated biodiversity?” This is food we’re talking about. Something humans require. Mother nature deals farmers enough bad hands, what with droughts, floods, fires, and pests. Now, the heavy hand of government believes it must get rid of cows because, well, they fart and urinate. [ READ MORE ]

Dec 15, 2022
Arctic Summer Sea Ice Stopped Declining a Decade Ago – But Scientists Have Hidden It

Arctic summer sea ice stopped declining a decade ago, but green activists have spared no effort to continue promoting the poster scare that humans will cause it all to disappear within a few years.

In his recent BBC Frozen Planet II agitprop, Sir David Attenborough claimed it might all be gone by 2035. In an excellent piece of investigative reporting titled Lies, Damned Lies and Arctic Graphs, the climate writer Tony Heller recently lifted the lid on many of the tactics used to keep the scare in the headlines. “They bury all the older data and pretend they don’t notice sea ice is increasing again. What they are doing is not science but propaganda,” he charges.

The Daily Sceptic has written a number of articles of late noting that summer sea ice extent in the Arctic is recovering. In Greenland, I recently reported, the ice sheet may have increased in the year to August 2022. Invariably, social media commentators reply by publishing the sea ice graph below, compiled by the U.S. National Snow and Ice Data Center (NSIDC). [ READ MORE ]

Dec 11, 2022
Major farming nation forcing closure of 3,000 farms to combat 'climate change'

'Fighting the Great Reset was never going to be easy'

In an effort to comply with strict European Union standards based largely on the premise that mankind is causing catastrophic climate change, the Netherlands plans to force the sale and closure of 3,000 farms. Significantly, the European nation is the second-largest exporter of agriculture in the world after the United States.

Farmers – who have been in revolt over the restrictions aimed at reducing nitrogen emissions – apparently will receive terms of up to 120% of the farm's value. But they will have no choice in the matter, noted the National Pulse.

"There is no better offer coming," Christianne van der Wal, the country's minister for nature and nitrogen, told Dutch Parliament members last week.

The Dutch Council of State passed a law in 2019 requiring every activity that emits nitrogen to obtain a permit. Consequently, the expansion of dairy, poultry and pig farms, which produce nitrogen – in the form of ammonia – from animal manure has been curbed. And the law has caused delays in the building of new homes and roads.

The government's goal is to cut nitrogen emissions by 50% by the end of the decade, which would put nearly 10% of the nation's farms at risk.

Dutch farmers are protesting by blocking highways, burning hay bales, dumping manure and picketing outside the homes of public officials. [ READ MORE ]

Dec 11, 2022
One woke agenda now consuming vast expanses of American land

'In the name of fighting global warming,' campaign results in vast 'deforestation'

Wedged in the southern flank of Virginia, Charlotte County is home to some 11,500 people who live amidst rolling hills and family farms, pastures and sawmills, a historic Civil War battlefield, and four townlets tinier than many suburban subdivisions.

But this pastoral tableau will be swept up in the green revolution when construction begins here on the nation’s largest solar power facility east of the Mississippi River. The planned 800-megawatt Randolph Solar Project in Charlotte County will replace a commercial lumber farm of loblolly pines with 1.6 million photovoltaic panels covering an area equivalent to seven square miles.

State and federal officials see in solar energy the potential to counteract global warming with an infinite natural resource. With the 2020 passage of the Virginia Clean Economy Act, the Old Dominion is among a growing number of states committed to “decarbonizing” its power grid by replacing natural-gas and coal-fired power plants with solar panels, wind turbines, and battery storage.

Federal policy is about to inject a massive funding to incentivize similar transitions nationwide. The New York Times characterized this year’s omnibus Inflation Reduction Act as the “the largest package of subsidies ever granted to the industry” – a $220 billion package of tax breaks, subsidies, and other incentives for the electric utility sector to invest in solar power, battery storage systems, and other carbon-free technologies.

The momentum behind solar energy could make sunshine the nation’s dominant source of electricity, supplying up to 45% of the nation’s electricity by mid-century, from a meager 2.8% of U.S. electricity generation now, according to a Department of Energy forecast.

But converting to solar has ancillary costs that will become more apparent as time passes. Solar energy facilities require vast stretches of land, converting farms and fields into geometric rows of indigo panels. The South Atlantic region has led the country in newly installed solar generating capacity for the past three years, according to a study from Virginia Commonwealth University, but little information is available on how these facilities are altering the landscape.

Dec 09, 2022
Let's get rid of food – what could possibly go wrong?

Exclusive: Patrice Lewis says our betters are engineering a global famine 'for the common good'

Despite months of enormous and widespread protests from Dutch farmers, the Dutch government will be confiscating 3,000 farms and closing them down in the interests of complying with EU environmental rules to decrease nitrogen emissions by 50% by 2030.

Of course, this means 3,000 farms' worth of food production will be eliminated. The Netherlands is the world's second-largest exporter of agricultural products and provides vegetables for much of Western Europe. Over half of Dutch land is used for agriculture, and that doesn't count 24,000 acres' worth of crops growing in greenhouses. What does the Dutch government think will happen to the price and availability of food after their "green" agenda is accomplished? What could possibly go wrong with their plans?

Next, Germany, at the behest of the EU's green agenda, has banned farmers in one of its federal states from properly fertilizing large swathes of land. The farmers are furious; they know what will happen to yields if they reduce nitrogen fertilizer. But who cares what a bunch of peasants are bleating about? Now Canada is doing the same thing, with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pushing for a fertilizer reduction in the name of "climate change." Let's get rid of food. What could possibly go wrong?

Sri Lanka, of course, has been the poster-child for government interference in farming. In this island nation, the government banned synthetic fertilizers and forcibly ordered the entire country to switch to organic fertilizers instead. As a result, harvests nosedived and starvation is a very real possibility. But who cares? They're just peasants. [ READ MORE ]

Dec 03, 2022
Germany Bans Farmers from Fertilising Own Land to Serve EU ‘Green Agenda’

Likely to drastically reduce yields

Farmers in Germany have been banned from properly fertilizing large areas of their land under strict EU rules pushing the green agenda. The use of nitrate fertilizers has been further restricted for large swathes of farmland in North Rhine-Westphalia, which is now likely to drastically reduce yields. Although German authorities have implemented the ban, it is ultimately at the behest of the European Union, which is seeking to reduce the amount of nitrogen to tackle ‘climate change.’ The policy has already wreaked havoc in the Netherlands.

Farmers in Germany have been banned from properly fertilizing large areas of their land under strict EU rules pushing the green agenda.

The use of nitrate fertilizers has been further restricted for large swathes of farmland in North Rhine-Westphalia, which is now likely to drastically reduce yields.

Although German authorities have implemented the ban, it is ultimately at the behest of the European Union, which is seeking to reduce the amount of nitrogen to tackle ‘climate change.’

The policy has already wreaked havoc in the Netherlands. [ READ MORE ]

Nov 27, 2022
Green Vegetation on Earth Increased By 14% Over 30 Years, Major Study Finds

Meanwhile, globalists continue peddling climate change FEAR to roll out Great Reset initiatives like vaccine passports and climate reparations.

A massive global analysis found that green vegetation on Earth is increasing at a rate that offsets climate change.

A paper called “Greening of the Earth and its drivers” was published in 2016 by 32 authors from 24 institutions in eight countries that analyzed satellite data, and concluded there had been a roughly 14% increase in green vegetation over the last 30 years.

The biggest driver of this increase, according to the study, is the extra carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which has added the equivalent of a new continent of green vegetation twice the size of the mainland United States.

Notably, this fact is incredibly inconvenient to the World Economic Forum and global governments seeking to control their populations with deindustrialization measures in the name of tackling climate change. [ READ MORE ]

Nov 25, 2022
Over 70 Per Cent of Children Aged 7-12 Now Afraid of Climate Change – Survey

More than 70 per cent of children aged 7-12 are now afraid of climate change according to the results of a survey.

More than seven in ten children aged 7-12 are now worried about climate change, research conducted by a UK-based start-up has reportedly found. It comes amid reports from various experts that children and teenagers of various demographics are experiencing high rates of mental health difficulties, with one school councillor earlier this year saying that anxiety rates have hit an all-time high post-lockdown.

According to a report by Euronews, the survey — which polled 1,000 children born between 2010 and 2015 on their views regarding the environment — found that a total of 71 per cent of respondents were now worried about environmental changes, including the changing climate. [ READ MORE ]

Nov 21, 2022
'A face-saving fake deal':
Biden wants to spend U.S. tax money on U.N. climate 'reparations'

'To keep stringing poor countries along
in order to keep the Paris hoax alive'

The Biden administration and nearly 200 world governments agreed on Saturday to a framework that would have richer countries compensate poorer nations for damages allegedly caused by carbon emissions at the United Nations COP27 climate conference, according to Reuters.

Wealthy nations will create a “loss and damage” fund that will provide money to countries that have suffered from climate-related “disasters” such as droughts or hurricanes, according to a draft proposal seen by Reuters. However, most of the details of the financial framework will be decided and agreed upon in 2023 at the next COP conference that will take place in Dubai. [ READ MORE ]

Nov 19, 2022
Consensus? Poll finds 41% of climate scientists don't buy
'climate change'

Undermines promoters of 'settled science' narrative

Media regularly tells the public that "the science is settled" and there is a nearly 99% "consensus" among scientists that mankind is causing catastrophic global warming through carbon emissions. However, a new survey found that 41% believed the frequency and severity of extreme weather events had increased significantly in recent years, reported the British website Daily Sceptic.

The survey, conducted in September and October by Fairleigh Dickinson University in Teaneck, New Jersey, collected a representative sample of scientists with at least a bachelor’s degree in fields such as meteorology, climatology, physics, geology and hydrology. About 57% were members of the American Meteorology Society.

MIT emeritus professor Richard Lindzen recently called the current climate narrative "absurd," contending it's driven by the trillions of dollars diverted to green projects, grant-dependent academics and agenda-driven journalists.

U.S. meteorologist Anthony Watts said the poll results "suggest that the draconian solutions such as Net Zero being pushed by the left, even if they actually worked, are aimed at a non-problem." [ READ MORE ]

Nov 09, 2022
Climate Fanatics Are Weaponizing Mental Illness

The fanatical elites who are weaponizing mental illness are also waging class war. They are against cheap energy & industrial capitalism because they lift up ordinary people and close the gap with the elites, who want distance & inequality.

“Climate protesters are triggering widespread anger and signs of violence,” writes author and prominent critic of climate alarmism Michael Shellenberger. “And yet President Joe Biden, UN Secretary-General António Guterres, and other global elites are encouraging them, which is exceedingly dangerous and irresponsible.”

As a case in point, Shellenberger has highlighted a particularly disturbing recent video showing a young woman cry and scream into a camera while claiming she was essentially forced to climb onto an overhead gantry above a major freeway outside London over ‘climate change’ due to oil and gas extraction. It’s likely police or passersby may have initially thought she was suicidal. Police were soon forced to shut down the busy roadway over the safety issue, while emergency responders had to put on safety harnesses to clear the gantries.

Oct 24, 2022
Dozens of Climate Models Wildly Exaggerate Extent of Global Warming

Further evidence has emerged that climate models are useless for the purpose of forecasting future temperature rises. A recent survey using American summer temperatures (June, July, August) over the last 50 years, found that 36 major climate models showed nearly twice the warming rate observed by the surface temperature measurements recorded by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). At the high end, a number of models forecast warming nearly three times greater than observed data show...

Oct 04, 2022
Environmental and Political Elites Are Destroying Food Production for “Climate” Goals

In pursuing CO2 reductions like Captain Ahab chased Moby Dick, Western elites are destroying much of the world's agriculture base

In the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh, a special thematic part was dedicated to anticipating the future on earth in the winter of 2022.

The visitors had the opportunity to vote for the topic they find important and want to learn more about.

The three knowledge offered choices were 1) how development of energy potential may influence climate change; 2) how improving the condition of the environment, forests, parks, and waters may reduce CO2; 3) how improving the conditions of agriculture, land, and farmers may contribute to food security and affordable food. The visitors voted by throwing a bottle cork in one of the three knowledge cylinders, and the option that won the most votes would be promoted in the museum through popular science content.

Out of eighteen visitors, only four decided to vote for the third cylinder on agriculture, and these were children and women. The rest of votes were shared almost equally between the cylinders for energy and the environment.

The ad hoc experiment I conducted revealed several important issues. How is it possible that the priority question of food security and sustainable agriculture attracted such weak attention? Developing energy and environmental potential for CO2 reduction, although of high relevance, cannot feed the world. But it attracts ecological concerns and mobilizes solidarity sentiments more than hunger in Africa, Asia, and Latin America, where a significant part of the populations has only one or half a meal per day. [ READ MORE ]

Sep 27, 2022
CO2 Has Almost No Effect on Global Temperature, Says Leading Climate Scientist

'Settled science' is all in on the predominant role of CO2 acting as the climate control thermostat.

However, renowned meteorologist notes recent warming 'probably simply the result of fluctuations in the ever-changing ocean circulation.'

Forget ‘settled’ science or ‘consensus’ – that is a political construct designed to quash debate in the interests of promoting a command-and-control Net Zero agenda. One of the great drivers of continual changes in the climate is heat exchange within both the atmosphere and the Earth’s surface. Current understanding of the entire picture is limited, and it seems the opportunity has been taken to fill this gap by blaming carbon dioxide almost entirely for the recent gentle warming. A new paper on the so-called ‘greenhouse’ effect highlights the vital role played by oceans and water vapor flows. CO2 is said to have “minimal effect” on the Earth’s temperature and climate.

The paper has been published by the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF) and is written by meteorologist William Kininmonth, a former consultant to the World Meteorological Organization’s Commission for Climatology and former head of the Australian Government’s National Climate Centre. Kininmonth argues that the oceans are the “vital inertial and thermal flywheels” of the climate system. If one wants to control climate, it will be necessary to control the oceans, he argues. “Efforts to decarbonize in the hope of affecting global temperatures will be in vain,” he adds. [ READ MORE ]

Sep 26, 2022
David Icke Reveals More Mainstream Media Lies On Climate Change

Find out more about the narratives being pushed on you

Sep 20, 2022
International study destroys hoax of 'climate emergency'

'No evidence in the record to date'

It's what climate change evangelicals do not want to hear: That there is no real climate change emergency now or disaster looming.

That word comes from a new international study that concluded there's "no evidence" of that climate emergency.

The conclusion was reached after the study authors analyzed data from heat waves, floods, hurricanes, tornadoes and ecosystem productivity.

Sep 20, 2022
British astrophysicist slams “climate change” hoax, says scientists are only in it for the money

Mainstream media and a majority of climate scientists suggest that man-made global warming is real. However, despite the chatter that it caused over the past few decades, only 0.3 percent of papers actually claim that man caused most of the post-1950 global warming.

According to the “Climate Emergency” story, carbon dioxide (CO2) is one of the biggest contributors to global warming, and man’s contribution is a dangerous factor in this. However, CO2 is only present in 0.04 percent of air, and man-made carbon emissions contribute to only four percent of this total. Put in perspective, CO2 would be tantamount to small, two-millimeter pigeon droppings on top of Big Ben.

Piers Corbyn, a top astrophysicist and director of WeatherAction long-range forecast, argues that man-made global warming caused by CO2 is nonsense. According to him, CO2 levels are an effect, and not a cause of the change in climate or temperatures.

In a recent interview, the brother of former U.K. Labor Party leader Jeremy Corbyn explained that the climate “has always been changing, but this has nothing to do with man.”

He explained that the changes in the Earth’s climate and weather are dictated primarily by cyclical activity on the surface of the sun, and had nothing to do with man-made carbon emissions. He also said that the climate change “scientists” who disagree with him are only trying to make money. [ READ MORE ]

Aug 25, 2022
Dems' climate bill overrules Supreme Court on 'greenhouse gases'

Declares carbon dioxide is now 'air pollutant'

The Democrat-led climate bill signed into law Aug. 16 grew the Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) authority over energy after the Supreme Court limited it in June, the bill’s text shows, by defining carbon dioxide as an air pollutant.

The court’s decision in West Virginia v. EPA limited the EPA’s regulatory power and found that Congress had not authorized the agency under the Clean Air Act (CAA) to impose greenhouse gas emissions caps under the now-replaced Clean Power Plan to force a national transition away from coal power. Several of the Inflation Reduction Act‘s sections define the term “greenhouse gas” as “the air pollutants carbon dioxide, hydrofluorocarbons, methane, nitrous oxide, perfluorocarbons, and sulfur hexafluoride.”

Democrats who contributed to the climate bill and legal experts said it clearly authorizes the EPA to regulate greenhouse gases and push for renewable energy adoption by defining fossil fuel-generated carbon dioxide as an “air pollutant” in an amended Clean Air Act, according to The New York Times.

Aug 18, 2022
1,200 scientists, scholars:
'There is no climate emergency'

'Scientists should openly address uncertainties
and exaggerations in their predictions'

Led by a Nobel Prize laureate, more than 1,100 scientists and scholars have signed a document declaring climate science is based more on personal beliefs and political agendas than sound, rigorous science.

The World Climate Declaration states climate science "should be less political, while climate policies should be more scientific."

"Scientists should openly address uncertainties and exaggerations in their predictions of global warming, while politicians should dispassionately count the real costs as well as the imagined benefits of their policy measures," the declaration reads.

The declaration was organized by Climate Intelligence, an independent policy foundation founded in 2019 by Dutch emeritus professor of geophysics Guus Berkhout and Dutch science journalist Marcel Crok. [ READ MORE ]

Aug, 08, 2022
The Agenda Behind Climate Change Catastrophism

On top of Congress passing the "Climate Relief Bill," environmentalists also demand that President Joe Biden declare a "climate emergency" in order to seize new powers ostensibly to combat dreaded climate change

However, climate alarmism is not based on reality

Democrats on Capitol Hill are pressuring the Biden administration to declare a climate emergency, voicing their doomsday predictions that without immediate action to curb and ultimately end our dependence on fossil fuels, “the planet” and, by implication, every living creature that inhabits it, will die.

“If we don’t really begin to lower emissions, this planet has no chance,” said Representative Alan Lowenthal, a California Democrat. “We have a few years left and that’s it. The planet is dying.”

This dire assessment and apocalyptic warning echoes Al Gore’s 2006 book and documentary, An Inconvenient Truth, and his subsequent statements that climate inaction would cause the complete summertime meltdown of the North Pole ice by 2013. Even though such ridiculous predictions as Gore’s have been put forth and have been proven false, it appears that, thanks to the rise of “stakeholder capitalism” and the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) Index, climate change catastrophism’s heyday has finally arrived.

It becomes necessary, therefore, to address it directly.

This does not necessarily mean readjudicating the climate change science, since others have done well to subject the narrative to withering critique and debunking. Critics have raised the following issues with climate change catastrophism: [ READ MORE ]

Jul 28, 2022 - Runtime: 21:53
The Climate Con

David Icke Talking In 2014


May 03, 2019 - Runtime: 14:28
The Global Warming Hoax And The Climate Change Fraud

Man-Made Climate Change - A False Alarm

Yes, the destruction of ecosystems is problematic and there is something fundamentally wrong with the pollution and destruction of nature. It is true that these problems need to be addressed and demand action through improvement of technologies that can (in example) help to end the excessive use of plastics or promotes benevolent goals such as saving the rain forests, oceans and so on.

Unfortunately, this is not what the social and political movement of green eco-activism is about. The true danger lies within the fact that in stead of promoting technology improvement, this activist movement pushes an actual anti-human agenda and consensus, under the guise of supposed intentions to "reduce carbon emissions", and "fighting climate change". The notion that human CO2 emissions cause climate change is fraudulent and in fact based on incorrect science.

This video shows how facts are manipulated, how science is falsified and how the truth is manufactured to sustain the fraudulent claim of climate change being man-made. It will reveal in particular how the relation of global warming and human CO2 emission has no scientific basis.

This documentary intends to expose the fraud created by the global warming institute of the United Nations - the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC).

This video gives a voice to the many scientists and renown climate researchers and experts who oppose the lies disseminated by politicians, pseudo-scientists and the media surrounding man-made global warming.

Aug 19, 2018 - Runtime: 1:13:25
The Great Global Warming Swindle

The Great Global Warming Swindle caused controversy in the UK when it premiered March 8, 2007 on British Channel 4. A documentary, by British television producer Martin Durkin, which argues against the virtually unchallenged consensus that global warming is man-made. A statement from the makers of this film asserts that the scientific theory of anthropogenic global warming could very well be "the biggest scam of modern times." According to Martin Durkin the chief cause of climate change is not human activity but changes in radiation from the sun. Some have called The Great Global Warming Swindle the definitive retort to Al Gore's An Inconvenient Truth. Using a comprehensive range of evidence it's claimed that warming over the past 300 years represents a natural recovery from a 'little ice age'.

According to the program humans do have an effect on climate but it's infinitesimally small compared with the vast natural forces which are constantly pushing global temperatures this way and that. From melting glaciers and rising sea levels, The Great Global Warming Swindle debunks the myths, and exposes what may well prove to be the darkest chapter in the history of mankind. According to a group of leading scientists brought together by documentary maker Martin Durkin everything you've ever been told about global warming is probably untrue. Just as we've begun to take it for granted that climate change is a man-made phenomenon, Durkin's documentary slays the whole premise of global warming.

"Global warming has become a story of huge political significance; environmental activists using scare tactics to further their cause; scientists adding credence to secure billions of dollars in research money; politicians after headlines and a media happy to play along. No-one dares speak against it for risk of being unpopular, losing funds and jeopardizing careers."

The main contributors to the video:

  1. Professor Tim Ball - Dept. of Climatology - University of Winnepeg, Canada
  2. Professor Nir Shaviv - Institute of Physics - University of Jerusalem, Israel
  3. Professor Ian Clark - Dept. of Earth Sciences - University of Ottawa, Canada
  4. Dr. Piers Corbyn, Solar Physicist, Climate Forecaster, Weather Action, UK
  5. Professor John Christy - Dept. of Atmospheric Science - University of Alabama, Huntsville - Lead Author, IPCC (NASA Medal - Exceptional Scientific Achievement)
  6. Professor Philip Stott - Dept of Biogeography - University of London, UK
  7. Al Gore - Former Presidental Candidate
  8. Margaret Thatcher - Global-Warming Promoter
  9. Professor Paul Reiter - IPCC & Pasteur Institute, Paris, France
  10. Professor Richard Lindzen - IPCC & M.I.T.
  11. Patrick Moore - Co-Founder - Greenpeace
  12. Dr. Roy Spencer - Weather Satellite Team Leader - NASA
  13. Professor Patrick Michaels - Department of Environmental Sciences - University of Virginia, US
  14. Nigel Calder - Former Editor - New Scientist
  15. James Shikwati - Economist & Author
  16. Lord Lawson of Blaby - Secretary of Energy - UK Parliament Investigator, UK
  17. Professor Syun-Ichi Akasofu - Director, International Arctic Research Centre
  18. Professor Fredrick Singer - Former Director, US National Weather Service
  19. Professor Carl Wunsch - Dept. of Oceanography - M.I.T., Harvard, University College, London, University of Cambridge, UK
  20. Professor Eigil Friis-Christensen - Director, Danish National Space Centre

  21. Dr. Roy Spencer - NASA Weather Satellite Team Leader
  22. Paul Driessen - Author: Green Power, Black Death

Mar 12, 2014 - Runtime: 36:09
John Coleman:
How the Global Warming
Scare Began

Mar 12, 2014 - Runtime: 36:08 - A great scientist named Roger Revelle had Al Gore in his class at Harvard and the Global Warming campaign was born. Revelle tried to calm things down years later, but Gore said Revelle was Senile and refused to debate. John Coleman documents the entire story and shows how our tax dollars are perpetuating the Global Warming alarmist campaign even though temperatures have not risen in years and years.

Climate Change TERRAFORMING Warning for Humanity

And if it’s not Science, then it is obviously an Agenda!


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