Soft Piano, Violin & Cello for Autumn Rain Nights

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We Must ALL LIVE on this same Planet
Together, so therefore, we must All Strive
to Promote Peace and Understanding
wherever possible between Nations,
Peoples, Cultures and Religions,
and we must choose NEGOTIATIONS
and Trade over Warfare anywhere
there is conflict and suffering
in Our Own Home World.

This is the only way we can
'de-fang' the perpetual

Globalist Corporate
Criminal Cartel
'War Machine'!




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Breaking! Private Bank Accounts To Be Seized Under CBDC Global Currency Plan

May 07, 2024 - Runtime: 1:04:31
Economist Warns The Collapse Has Already Begun and Will Be Worse Than The Great Depression

Economist Dr. Kirk Elliot who started predicting local bank failures back in December of 2023 joins Alex Jones live to break down how central bank digital currencies will be used as the cure for financial collapse while stealing the wealth of people and now he tells you what is going to happen next.

What Will CBDCs Mean for Gold?
May 07, 2024 - by Schiff Gold - Since CBDCs and the idea of a “cashless society” are mostly about increasing centralization and control on the societal and individual level, it’s easy to see how they might be accompanied by new legislation banning precious metals investing and other non-state-approved financial activities.


As the Dollar Falters, Gold Becomes Insurance, Not Speculation

May 10th 2024 - by Douglass French | Mises Institute - The reason to buy and hold gold is just in case the Federal Reserve goes the way of Zimbabwe.


NOTE: Before making any financial decisions regarding precious metals as financial protection and a hedge against fiat currency collapse, do your own research and consult with an expert.

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See How They Plan to Steal Everything You Own
This is what the people you have elected and entrusted TO SERVE YOU
in YOUR GOVERNMENT have done to help them set this up...

Nov 29, 2023 - Runtime: 3:59
See 'The Great Taking' Official Trailer

David Webb exposes the system the Central Bankers have in place
to take everything from everyone.

The Great Taking is about the taking of collateral (all of it), the end game of the current globally synchronous debt accumulation super cycle. This scheme is being executed by long-planned, intelligent design, the audacity and scope of which is difficult for the mind to encompass.

Included are all financial assets and bank deposits, all stocks and bonds; and hence, all underlying property of all public corporations, including all inventories, plant and equipment; land, mineral deposits, inventions and intellectual property. Privately owned personal and real property financed with any amount of debt will likewise be taken, as will the assets of privately owned businesses which have been financed with debt. If even partially successful, this will be the greatest conquest and subjugation in world history.

Nov 29, 2023 - Runtime: 1:11:56
Watch The Full Documentary Here!

They are collateralizing everything you own (or think you own).

For them it's as easy as 1-2-3...
First they set the conditions to 1) build a market bubble, then there is 2) a crash, a recession or a depression which is their way of 3) the culling of the market place through the great wall street financial-economic-monetary-currency-collateral-asset-debt manipulation machine. (Every time it's like 'taking candy from babies')

The velocity of money is the relationship betweeen economic growth and money creation / money supply has now broken down and is now at a lower level than it was during the Great Depression and the world wars.

The Great Taking
[ Read online, Download eBook, or Purchase Hardcopy ]

Jul 12, 2023 - Runtime: 15:10
Central Bankers Plan to Steal Your Property
Through Tokenization and Taxation

Jul 13, 2023 - Runtime: 1:26:39
Experts on Central Bank Plans to Tokenize and Confiscate All Your Property

2012 Documentary - Runtime: 55:36
End of the Road:
How Money Became Worthless

In 2008 the world experienced one of the greatest financial turmoils in modern history. Markets around the world started crashing, stock prices plummeted, and major financial institutions, once thought to be invincible, started showing signs of collapse. Governments responded quickly, issuing massive bailouts and stimulus packages in an effort to keep the world economy afloat. Although we’ve been told that these drastic measures prevented a total collapse of our system, a sense of unease fills the population. In the world of finance, indeed in all facets of modern life, cracks have started to appear. What lies ahead as a result of these bold money printing measures? Was the financial crisis solved, or were the problems merely kicked down the road?

Jan 05, 2024 - Schiff Gold
Peter Schiff: 2024 Could Be Horrible
For the Dollar

The Fed is deeply influenced by political dynamics and, with the 2024 presidential election around the corner, it’s already maneuvering to align with the political incumbent. [ READ MORE ]

Jan 04, 2024 - Brownstone Institute
The Final Countdown to CBDC

Members of Congress, who draw power from their monopolistic control of currency, are unlikely to vote for a reduction in their control or authority. [ READ MORE ]

Mar 18, 2023 - Runtime: 19:01
How Banks Work

Jun 08, 2020 - Runtime: 29:55
How is Money Created?
Everything You Need to Know

With trillions of dollars being printed around the world,
it's time we take a look into how money is created.

Oct 12, 2022 - Runtime: 1:42:53
The System of Money - Money Creation Explained

This film presents serious research and verifiable evidence
on our economic and financial system.

97% owned present serious research and verifiable evidence on our economic and financial system. This is the first documentary to tackle this issue from a UK-perspective and explains the inner workings of Central Banks and the Money creation process.

When money drives almost all activity on the planet, it's essential that we understand it. Yet simple questions often get overlooked, questions like; where does money come from? Who creates it? Who decides how it gets used? And what does this mean for the millions of ordinary people who suffer when the monetary, and financial system, breaks down? Produced by Queuepolitely and featuring Ben Dyson of Positive Money, Josh Ryan-Collins of The New Economics Foundation, Ann Pettifor, the "HBOS Whistleblower" Paul Moore, Simon Dixon of Bank to the Future and Nick Dearden from the Jubliee Debt Campaign.

Mar 14, 2023 - Runtime: 1:53:17
Age of Easy Money | FRONTLINE

FRONTLINE investigates the Fed’s epic economic experiment to
revive the U.S. economy with what has been called an “easy money”
policy and the far-reaching and sometimes unintended consequences.

“If we hadn't been driving our economy for 14 years with easy money and then tried to really quickly undo that now, we wouldn't be having these problems,” former top banking regulator Sheila Bair said in the documentary. From the 2008 recession, to the COVID pandemic, to the rise in inflation, to the current economic uncertainty, “Age of Easy Money” charts the American economy’s tumultuous course, the fragility of the financial system and the widening gap between Wall Street and Main Street.

The documentary examines what led to the Fed’s recent decisions to hike interest rates at a historic pace and probes the ongoing effects, offering a comprehensive and timely examination of the role of the institution at the heart of America’s economy.

Jul 05, 2017 - Runtime: 42:24
The Money Deluge:
How the rich get richer - Money in the world economy
DW Documentary

For years, the world’s central banks have been pursuing a policy of cheap money. The first and foremost is the ECB (European Central Bank), which buys bad stocks and bonds to save banks, tries to fuel economic growth and props up states that are in debt. But what relieves state budgets to the tune of hundreds of billions annoys savers: interest rates are close to zero.

The fiscal policies of the central banks are causing an uncontrolled global deluge of money. Experts are warning of new bubbles. In real estate, for example: it’s not just in German cities that prices are shooting up. In London, a one-bed apartment can easily cost more than a million Euro. More and more money is moving away from the real economy and into the speculative field. Highly complex financial bets are taking place in the global casino - gambling without checks and balances.

The winners are set from the start: in Germany and around the world, the rich just get richer. Professor Max Otte says: "This flood of money has caused a dangerous redistribution. Those who have, get more." But with low interest rates, any money in savings accounts just melts away. Those with debts can be happy. But big companies that want to swallow up others are also happy: they can borrow cheap money for their acquisitions. Coupled with the liberalization of the financial markets, money deals have become detached from the real economy. But it’s not just the banks that need a constant source of new, cheap money today. So do states. They need it to keep a grip on their mountains of debt. It’s a kind of snowball system. What happens to our money? Is a new crisis looming? The film 'The Money Deluge' casts a new and surprising light on our money in these times of zero interest rates.

Aug 18, 2023 - Runtime: 1:32:39
How Central Banks have Seized Power
over our Societies

Using Japan as a case study, the Princes of the Yen reveals how post-war Japanese society was transformed to suit the agenda of powerful interest groups, and how citizens were kept entirely in the dark about this. History is now repeating itself around the world. Based on a book by Professor Richard Werner, a visiting researcher at the Bank of Japan during the 90s crash, during which the stock market dropped by 80% and house prices by up to 84%. The film uncovers how the Bank of Japan pumped up and then crashed the Japanese economy, with an aim of inducing change. Today, what happened in Japan 25 years ago is repeating itself in Europe, with an aim of centralizing power in the Eurozone.

Nov 06, 2022 - Runtime: 1:09:10
Plutocrats: The Rise of the Global Super-Rich
and the Fall of Everyone Else
ENDEVR Documentary

This documentary travels through a world of joblessness, debt, and economic uncertainty to the sovereign nation of the plutocrats, where each crisis seems to offer a new business opportunity. In America, where the 2008 financial meltdown cost $4 trillion in economic output, fortunes were made by the very people who precipitated the disaster while millions lost their homes and their savings.

Austerity in Europe, economic stagnation in Asia, a "lost generation" of the young and unemployed - signs we are living through a fundamental global reorganization, the result of which no-one can predict. The world of the 1% has arrived, and the wealth gap is now greater in many countries than during the Gilded Age, the era of the Rockefellers, Carnegies and Vanderbilts. Can our stressed democracies deal with the fallout? Or have governments simply become instruments of the new elite?

Aug 09, 2023 - Runtime: 1:26:39
The Banksters: HSBC, the Criminal Money Laundering and Tax Evasion Scandal and the Untouchable Titan of Global Finance

From the filmmaker behind 'Goldman Sachs: The Bank that Rules the World' comes a compelling new exposé delving into corruption within one of the globe's premier financial institutions – HSBC.

If HSBC were a sovereign entity, it would rank as the fifth-largest economic power worldwide. Originating during the heyday of the Opium trade to facilitate the British Empire's access to the Chinese market, HSBC has forged an unparalleled network for facilitating the movement of illicit funds across the globe. From engaging in tax evasion to laundering money for criminal syndicates and manipulating currency, this bank has been involved in a spectrum of illicit activities, embodying the epitome of misconduct for a financial institution.

In 2012, HSBC faced the imminent threat of losing its operating license in the United States due to its involvement in laundering money for Mexican and Colombian drug cartels. Criminal charges were brought forth, and HSBC's top executives were summoned before a Senate committee. However, a pivotal turn of events occurred when George Osborne, the then Chancellor of the Exchequer in the UK, reached out to his American counterpart and the Chairman of the Federal Reserve, urging leniency. Osborne argued that severe consequences for HSBC could adversely impact global financial and economic stability. His persuasive letter succeeded, leading to a 2 billion euro fine for HSBC – an amount equivalent to a single month's profits.

As the epicenter of international finance shifts towards Asia, HSBC finds itself in a strategic position. Functioning as the most Chinese of Western banks and the most European of Chinese banks, HSBC enjoys protection from London and endorsement from Beijing. The question looms large: who would dare challenge it?

Sep 14, 2018 - Runtime: 1:18:01
The Spider's Web: Britain's Second Empire
The Secret World of Finance

Michael Oswald's film The Spider's Web reveals how at the demise of the empire, the City of London's financial interests created a web of secrecy jurisdictions that captured wealth from across the globe and hid it in a web of offshore islands. Today, up to half of global offshore wealth is hidden in British jurisdictions and Britain and its dependencies are the largest global players in The Secret World of Finance.

May 14, 2016 - Global Research
History: Adolph Hitler was Financed by Wall Street, the U.S. Federal Reserve and the Bank of England

US Investments in Nazi Germany. Rockefeller Financed Adolf Hitler's Election Campaign

First published by Global Research in May 2016, this carefully researched article by Yuri Rubtsov sheds light on the role of Wall Street and the US Federal Reserve in financing the Nazi government of Adolph Hitler.

From World War I to the Present: Dollar denominated debt has been the driving force behind all US led wars. Wall Street creditors are the main actors.

They were firmly behind Nazi Germany. They financed Operation Barbarossa and the invasion of the Soviet Union in 1941. 1932 Secret Agreement: Wall Street Finances Hitler’s Nazi Party.

Dec 14, 2022 - Runtime: 47:00
Blood Money
Inside the Nazi Economy | Part 1: A World War on Credit

As soon as he came to power in 1933, Hitler wanted to go to war. Warfare was central to Nazi ideology; the strong had to crush the weak. To go to war, he needed weapons and an army, but Germany had neither. A far cry from the fake images of prosperity, years of adversity had worn the country down. It was a medium-size power like Iran or South Africa today.

The Nazis launched themselves into an extraordinary operation of financial manipulation and managed to revive the economy by producing enormous quantities of weapons. That was the Nazi economic miracle of the 1935-1936 period: an overheated economy that needed a war to continue its mad race. In 1939, Hitler embarked on a war financed on credit, enormous credit using spoliation and upcoming appropriation as collateral.

Dec 20, 2022 - Runtime: 49:48
Blood Money
Inside the Nazi Economy | Part 2: An Economy of Death

The resounding German victories of 1940 hid a beleaguered economy. Everything was in short supply: petrol, weapons, raw materials, food, and foreign currencies. They organised wide-scale looting in the countries they invaded. The Nazi war economy was dependent on theft and spoliation. It would progressively become an economy that relied on plunder. The assassination of Jewish populations, the horrifying project central to National Socialism, remained a priority, but that had to be adjusted to take food and labour shortages into account. The Nazis managed to organise their deadly ideological obsessions around their need to produce weapons. The Nazis calculated, planned, and transformed human beings into objects they could exploit at will. Industrial production was adapted. Death became part of the equation. This strong alliance between the regime's worst elements and the weapons industry's engineers shaped a fearsome economic system that allowed the Nazi regime to go on fighting until the country's collapse.

Hitler's American Business Partners
US Companies Profited from World War II

This documentary uncovers the unholy alliance between Nazi Germany and some of the biggest corporations in the US — companies which were indispensable for Hitler to wage war. Henry Ford, the automobile manufacturer; James D Mooney, the General Motors manager; and Tom Watson, the IBM boss were all awarded the Grand Cross of the German Eagle — the Nazi's highest distinction for foreigners for their services to the Third Reich.

In the statistics of the Reich they were referred to as enemy companies with American shareholders. In the war there were 553 of them, including such well-known names as Coca-Cola, Kodak and American Express; yet very few of them were enemies — some had close contacts to the Nazis. In the case of four large American companies and their German subsidiaries, Hitler was even able to regard the bosses as friends. Without them he would not have been able to wage war. They saw him as the man who would soon be in control of Europe.

At this time, in 1937 and 1938, Hitler's armaments industry was running at full speed. The German subsidiaries of these American companies — Opel, the Ford Werke AG and Dehomag — had willingly allowed themselves to be integrated into the “Führer's” war preparations. Without the trucks and track-laying vehicles produced by Opel and Ford, Hitler would never have been able to occupy Czechoslovakia or invade Poland and France.

Opel was also involved in the production of Ju-88, Hitler's most important bomber. Standard Oil of New Jersey supplied crude oil, special motor oil for tanks and lead additives for aircraft fuel right up to the first years of the war. The Hollerith machines of IBM, predecessor of present-day computers, were to help Hitler organise war and destruction.

The film concentrates on the companies which were indispensable for Hitler to wage war. The documentary is supported by new archive material, as well as interviews with contemporary witnesses and experts.




Sep 03, 2023 - Runtime: 51:32
The Dawn of the Great Depression

Thursday, October 24, 1929, the Wall Street Stock Exchange crashes, the greatest economic crisis of the 20th century suddenly breaks out. Fuelled by frenetic speculation, and by the idea that everyone can get rich without limits, it puts a final stop to the euphoria of the 1920s. America is then caught in a devastating cycle which spreads around the world a few months later like a malign infection.

Oct 15, 2023 - Runtime: 50:13
The Colossal Damage
the Great Depression Caused


On Thursday, October 24, the Wall Street Stock Exchange crashes, the greatest economic crisis of the 20th century suddenly breaks out. Fuelled by frenetic speculation, and by the idea that everyone can get rich without limits, it puts a final stop to the euphoria of the 1920s. America is then caught in a devastating cycle which spreads around the world a few months later like a malign infection. It reveals how the world's leading economy sinks into mass depression, allowing Hitler to rise to power, and how eventually Franklin D. Roosevelt brings hope and optimism back into the hearts of his people.

Dec 13, 2020 - Runtime: 2:25:22
Who Rules America?
Complete Series | ENDEVR Documentary

Who Rules America? takes a comprehensive look into the governing system of the United States of America and reveals the behind-the-scene powers that rule the nation. There are two Americas; one in which people have freedom in choosing their leaders within the framework of the constitution living in the land of the free, and another, wherein all is dedicated to the ruling 1% and within which a hidden network of power governs including the media, Wall Street , the Military and Corporations. This expose from Danny Schechter (In Debt We Trust, WMD: Weapons on Mass Deception) lifts the lid on the true decision makers behind the worlds self-proclaimed democratic role model.

Episode 1 - The debate over power
Episode 2 - Occupy is not new: The History of Democracy in America
Episode 3 - The corporate takeover and the rise of the military-industrial complex
Episode 4 - The power of the Media
Episode 5 - Money dominates Politics
Episode 6 - The Power of Wall Street

Jan 03, 2024 -
2024: The Year Global Government
Takes Shape

Covid marked an acceleration of the globalist agenda, a mad dash to the finish line that seems to have lost momentum short of victory, but the race is still going.

What globalism will bring us: A collection of nation-states largely in name only, operating superficially different systems of government all built on the same underpinning assumptions and all answering to an unelected and undeclared higher authority. Global government is the endgame. Total control of every aspect of life for every single person on the planet, that’s the goal.

From Freedom to Fascism

Runtime: 1:47:45 - A Review: Determined to find the law that requries American citizens to pay income tax, producer Aaron Russo (Bette Midler'sThe Rose, Trading Places) set out on a journey to find the evidence. Neither left nor right-wing, this startling examination of government exposes the systematic erosion of civil liberties in America since 1913 when the Federal Reserve system was fraudulently created. Through interviews with two U.S. Congressmen, former IRS Commissioner and former IRS and FBI agents, tax attorneys and authors, Russo connects the dots between money creation, federal income tax, and the national identity card, which becomes law in May 2008 and will use Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) technology.

Russo's films have been nominated for six Academy Awards, as well as seven Golden Globes. His films have won three Golden Globes and the Image Award. His latest film is a documentary entitled, "America: Freedom To Fascism." The film begins with a critical review of two monumental events that happened in 1913: the adoption of the 16th Amendment, which has been interpreted to authorize the forced taxation of individual income and the creation of the Federal Reserve, which turned the governance of America's financial system over to a centralized private banking interest. The film intelligently and convincingly makes a strong case for the opinion that both the 16th Amendment and the Federal Reserve System are flatly unconstitutional and may not even have been legally adopted.

Russo's film then factually demonstrates how modern presidents (especially Bush I, Clinton, and Bush II) have led America out of the light of liberty and into a dark alley of fascism (hence the film's title). The film provides many examples to prove the reality of that statement.

Many very credible personalities are interviewed in the film including Texas Congressman Ron Paul, constitutional scholar Edwin Vieira, Jr. Esq., former IRS special agents and investigators, and several others. Russo also interviewed former IRS commissioners, and reviewed copious court cases, including Supreme Court cases. Predictably (for such a documentary), notable tax resistors such as Bob Schulz and Franklin Sanders were also interviewed. And, frankly, their arguments are compelling!

The overall arguments and conclusions of the film are more than convincing! It will be very difficult for anyone objectively viewing this film to attack the facts and evidence presented. And for that reason, I'm confident that both the political and financial interests of this country will hope that no one watches it!

Russo also rightly connects the dots between developments such as the USA Patriot Act, the so-called "free trade" deals such as NAFTA and CAFTA, and the business and political alliance promoting illegal immigration with the overall push toward globalism and fascism.

Congressman Paul makes a compelling argument for the proposition that America is already in the process of becoming a police state. Russo also includes some disturbing police video which helps augment Paul's point.

Russo, in thorough investigative form, interviews many people ranging from everyday folks on the street to high level government officials. He also gave people from both sides of the tax debate an opportunity to present their case.


America: From Freedom to Fascism
An Interview with Aaron Russo

By John W. Whitehead - The Rutherford Institute - March 19, 2007

Aaron RussoBorn in Brooklyn and raised on Long Island, producer Aaron Russo began promoting rock ‘n’ roll shows at local theaters while still in high school. He helped launch the careers of many legendary performers, such as Led Zeppelin, and also promoted some of the Sixties’ most successful rock acts, including the Who, Janis Joplin, the Grateful Dead and Jefferson Airplane.

In 1972, Russo began his seven-year partnership with Bette Midler, who attained superstar status during his management of her career. When Russo turned to producing feature films, his production of The Rose introduced Bette Midler to motion picture audiences. Midler received an Academy Award nomination as best actress for The Rose, which is considered by many to be the classic rock ‘n’ roll film. Russo also produced Trading Places starring Eddie Murphy and Dan Aykroyd, which has become a Christmas classic, and Teachers, starring Nick Nolte, Morgan Freeman and Ralph Macchio.

Russo has received numerous awards for his achievements, including a Grammy, a Tony and an Emmy. To date, his films have been nominated for six Academy Awards, as well as seven Golden Globes. His films have won three Golden Globes, as well as the Image Award.

And You Can See More of John's Work at:
The Rutheford Institute - Commentary

Meet Your Strawman!


The Wizard of OZ - An Allegory

Journey Beyond Perception

The Official State Office Known as 'Person'

On State Citizenship

Health Ranger Report - Nov 12, 2019 - Runtime: 9:43
YOU Are The Slave Property
Of A Corporation Called
The 'United States of America'

You can See More of Mike Adam's Health Ranger Reports at: Brighteon HR Reports

Apr 25, 2024 - Runtime: 46:43
You Don't Have To Pay Income Tax
With Peymon Mottahedeh

Peymon Mottahedeh joins to break down how the US federal government has tricked Americans into forfeiting over a portion their hard earned wages with deceptive language and unconstitutional laws.

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It is said that "Music is a Universal Language"

Music is Energy for the Spirit...

(Best listened to 'piped' through a home stereo)

Sacred Spirit - Book Of Secrets - Runtime: 1:29:21

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(I think there must be a message in here, somewhere...)

Calling All Angels!...

Classic Sci-Fi Entertainment
Mad Scientists,
Crazy Alien Creatures,
Futuristic Technologies,
Cosmic Threats,
what could possibly go wrong?...

It is said that yesterday's 'science fiction'
can often become today's 'science fact'...

Soundtrack to the Movie Dune

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Archbishop Issues Warning of 'The Great Reset'

Dr. Robert W. Malone, MD Warns Against The "Vaccines"

Catherine Austin-Fitts Lays Out the Global Beast Slave System

Greg Reese Reports on The Covid Scam and on the "Vaccines"

Biosludge!: They are now turning Human Beings into Fertilizer

The Lost Years of Jesus - Travel to India, Tibet and Persia?

Main-Stream Media Coverage about the UFO Phenomena

Civilizational Change: Hard Times - Strong / Weak Men

SHUT DOWN Bio-Weapons Labs and the Death Shots!!

Earth Changes: Worlds Between the Earth and the Sky

The AI Control Grid: Threats to Our Planet & Humanity

The Basics: Truth and the Nature of Scientific Inquiry

What YOU CAN DO To Prepare And Fight The Cabal!

The Nature of the Human Mind and Consciousness

The 'Perfect Storm' of Global Famine on the Horizon

Technology: The Good, The Bad, and The Terrifying

Good Times - Hard Times - Strong Men - Weak-Men

Nature of Reality: Of Information, Energy & Matter

David Icke - World Events and Human Psycopathy


Dr. Steven Greer - The Cosmic Hoax and More

Global War And The Thermo-Nuclear Threat

The Fake "Vaccine" 'Clot-Kill Shots'

The Global Depopulation Agenda

Battlefield America: 2022-2024

The Great Global Collapse

The Rise of the Machines

The Oblivion Agenda

The Fall of the Cabal

What is Science?

The Control Grid


Secret Societies

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Ghost World


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