For anyone with eyes to see, ears to hear, and a mind and a conscience . . .

The Science Agenda to Exterminate Blacks

To Experiment and Exterminate - Produced in 2017 by Mike Adams, and BANNED by YouTube
Runtime: 56:48

Can anyone tell just who are 'The Real Racists'?...

Article - Mar 09, 2022
Lawmakers now consider legalizing letting unwanted babies up to a month old die

'Could be abandoned and left to starve or freeze to death'

Every few months or years, some extremist brings up the idea of allowing abortion after birth. It's relatively easy to discard when some loner at a university on the other side of the world discusses a wild-eyed plan.

Or when, as WND has reported, paramedics in one region of Belgium say it would be all right to end the life of a baby born with a "serious" defect.

That's been a recurring theme, with medical ethicists Francesca Minerva and Alberto Guibilini in 2012 claiming doctors "should be allowed to end the lives of disabled, and even unwanted, newborn babies because they are not 'actual persons.'" [ READ MORE ]

Pink Floyd - "Mother"

- If your audio control does not work: [ click here ]

Cognitive Functions of the Fetus
NIH National Library of Medicine - Study, April 2018

Abstract: The human brain is intricately designed to execute cognitive functions, such as perception, attention, action, memory and learning. The complete nervous system is active during prenatal development and the aim of this review is to present data on fetal cognitive functions. The fetus processes sensory stimuli at a cortical level, including painful stimulus, from about 25 weeks of gestation onwards. At gestational week 34, the fetus is able not only to perceive complex acoustic external sounds but also to discriminate between different sounds. Fetal action planning is established by 22 weeks and investigations using four-dimensional ultrasound reveal that complexity of fetal motor action and behavior increases as pregnancy progresses. The capacity of the fetus to learn and memory are prodigious. At term, subcortical structures of the brain are well developed. There is high activity in primary cortical areas and low activity in association areas. Clinically relevant data on cognitive functions of the fetus could be important for the management of fetal pain and treatment of preterm infants as well as for improved neurodevelopmental outcome of fetuses from high-risk pregnancies. Finally, the brain's developmental journey, including development of cognitive functions, continues with the same intensity in the postnatal period.

Article - May 05, 2022
Confirmed: Pro-abortion agendas threaten
babies already born

Leftists' own advisers warn law could protect people from investigations

There have many critics who have charged that as states such as Colorado and California move to re-create themselves as abortion-tourism destinations, the extreme laws they are adopting in their agendas actually have created the possibility that live babies, after birth, could be killed without penalty.

Now we know that it's true, based on the legal analysis staff members provided to the pro-abortion majority in the California State Assembly Committee on the Judiciary. [ READ MORE ]

Article - May 01, 2022
Pro-abortion states now moving directly to infanticide agenda California, Colorado, Maryland already on board

For years, pro-abortion bioethicists have been promoting after-birth abortion —
infanticide for children with disabilities.

In some nations, such as Belgium, infants are already eligible for euthanasia, while some politicians in the United States fight against laws requiring babies who survive abortions to receive medical care. The average American may brush this off as a non-issue and choose to believe such propositions are out of the norm or nothing more than propaganda. But in a seemingly growing trend, pro-abortion legislators now appear to be attempting to legalize infanticide in some states using loopholes and specific language in laws regarding so-called reproductive rights.

The legalization of abortion and the dehumanization of human beings inside the womb has created a cultural war in America over when human life begins, when the right to life begins, and what makes a human being a human being. While every human being is a person who is worthy of life and protection from harm, not everyone agrees with this basic principle. When the discrimination or dehumanization of a group of persons is allowed, then that discrimination will spread unless it is stopped. [ READ MORE ]

Article - May 07, 2022
Watch abortion advocates support infanticide

'10 months out of the womb'

The battle over abortion has clearly left the country divided. Pro-life lawmakers have been passing laws to save lives, while pro-abortion lawmakers have been working to expand abortion as quickly as possible. In some cases, like in California and Maryland, this has even led to bills containing language that many legal experts believe allow loopholes for legal infanticide. It begs the question of just how far abortion activists are willing to go to protect the killing of preborn children — and judging by one video, the answer is disturbing. [ READ MORE ]

Greg Reese Report - Feb 01, 2019 - Runtime: 5:15
The Truth Behind The New Radical Abortion Laws

Article - Sep 2011
How the abortion industry really works

Make no mistake. Abortion is big business. Really big business.

Planned Parenthood and other abortion perpetrators are huge profit centers. Doctors get rich. Those who run abortion businesses make a very good living. Bloodmoney: The Business of Abortion, a pro-life documentary released last year, makes these facts perfectly clear.

Women’s health care? Family planning? Safe and legal abortions? It’s all a ruse. David Kyle, writer, producer, and director of Bloodmoney, has distilled hundreds of hours of interviews into a fast-moving, accurate exposé of the seedy abortion industry.1 The film debunks the great American myth that Planned Parenthood and other perpetrators of abortion on demand care about the welfare of women and girls. [ READ MORE ]

See 'Bloodmoney': The Business of Abortion...

Produced in 2010 - Runtime: 1:20:54 - Narrated by Dr. Alveda King

Bloodmoney is a documentary film that exposes the Abortion Industry from the Pro Life perspective. This film examines abortion in America; from the inception of Planned Parenthood and the profitability of abortion clinics; to the denial of when life begins; and the devastating effects it has had on the women that have had them.

Article - Sep 12, 2019
Abortion Industry Admits Trafficking Aborted
Baby Body Parts in Planned Parenthood
Video Journalists’ Criminal Hearing

The preliminary hearing in the criminal case against Planned Parenthood video journalists David Daleiden and Sandra Merritt is in its second week in San Francisco as abortion industry workers have admitted to trafficking the body parts of aborted babies. [ READ MORE ]

An Entire Industry has been Built and Sustained
upon Butchered Human Babies for Profit

- A Lucrative Market for Baby Body Parts, Organs, Blood, and Fetal Tissues -


Article - Apr 20, 2016
In the Market for Fetal Body Parts?...
A Baby’s Brain Sells for $3,340

Republicans on the special House panel investigating the transfer of fetal tissue from aborted babies will present evidence in a hearing today that breaks down the price per body part.

With release of this evidence, Republicans say, they have enough documentation to show that several abortion clinics and middleman procurement businesses may have violated federal law. [ READ MORE ]

And do we now have fetal cells and tissues that have
been finding their way into consumer products??...

Article - Oct 06, 2021
Leaked Pfizer Executive Emails Confirm Aborted Fetal Tissue
Used in COVID Vaccine Testing

A new Pfizer whistleblower has come forward with copies of an email chain involving two high level company executives confirming that cell lines that derive from an aborted fetus have been used in the company’s COVID-19 vaccine testing program.

In an Oct. 6 piece published by Project Veritas, Melissa Strickler, a Quality Auditor who worked in Pfizer’s McPherson, Kansas plant, leaked emails from Vanessa Gelman, Senior Director of Worldwide Research, Development, and Medical Communication and Philip Dormitzer, Vice President and Chief Scientific Officer of Viral Vaccines showing the officers confirming human embryonic kidney cells are used in the company’s testing program. [ READ MORE ]

Article - Feb 20, 2021
Why stem cells are finding their way into skincare

They’re the cutting edge of skincare science, they don’t come cheap – and serums and creams containing ‘growth factors’ and ‘stem cells’ can get dragged into controversy. Why? I’ll try to explain. Stem cells can come from animal, plant and human sources, and, yes, any product containing ingredients that are human-derived is what stirs up the problems. [ READ MORE ]

Article - Nov 20, 2021
Which Companies Are Using Aborted Human Fetuses
in Their Food Being Sold to USA Citizens/Residents

In 2010, the pro-life organization wrote to the CEO of Senomyx, Jewish Zionist Kent Snyder, indicating the many ethical and moral choices that can and should be used to test their food additives. However, Senomyx and the companies listed on its website as “partners” decided to ignore the letter. The giants of the food industry as Pepsico, Kraft Foods, Campbell Soup, Solae and Nestle are the main targets of the boycott, although Senomyx account other international partners on their website. [ READ MORE ]

Are they are now beginning to 'feed us to ourselves'??...
...See the Full 1973 Movie!:
Soylent Green [ HERE! ]

Article - Jul 06, 2020
Margaret Sanger’s Planned Parenthood, Birthed in Eugenic Racism

“Planned Parenthood was founded by a racist, white woman.”

No, this sentence was not penned by some pro-life activist, pushing back against the whitewashing of the legacy of Margaret Sanger by Planned Parenthood. Astonishingly, it appears in a statement signed by hundreds of current Planned Parenthood employees and supporters. [ READ MORE ]

Article - May 05, 2020
Bill Gates, Eugenics, Vaxxines,
Planned Parenthood and the Nazis

After sharing his great concerns about overpopulation, Bill Gates said in his 2010 Ted Talk: “If we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that by perhaps ten or fifteen percent.”

“Vaccines” are “something I love,” he said in another talk on climate change and overpopulation. In another interview, he cited vaccines again as a way to lower population, which I will quote in a few paragraphs.

Years earlier, in a 2003 interview with Bill Moyers, Bill Gates said that “the one issue that really grabbed me as urgent were issues related to population.” Then he clarified himself: “...reproductive health.”

So Gates has been trying for years to speak correctly about his curious agenda, but his PR staff keeps having to clean up his gaffes. [ READ MORE ]

Greg Reese Report - Mar 26, 2022 - Runtime: 5:43
Pfizer Seeks Approval to Inject Infants
with Deadly Gene Therapy Shots

If Pfizer can add the mRNA vaccine to the childhood vaccine schedule it will enjoy
permanent liability protection under the 1986 National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act

Greg Reese Report - Feb 19, 2022 - Runtime: 6:59
A Brief History of Unlawful Human Experiments
A brief history of crimes against humanity committed by governments around the world

Greg Reese Report - Dec 02, 2019 - Runtime: 8:19
Planned Parenthood And The Business Of Transgenderism
A look at the 100 years of history behind today's billion dollar Transgender industry

Greg Reese Report - Dec 01, 2021 - Runtime: 5:10
Fauci's Dead Babies and Mass Graves From the Past
A look back at some of Anthony Fauci’s crimes against humanity




In the U.S. since 1973 Roe vs. Wade
Over 64 Million American Babies
have been slaughtered

in the United States alone since 1973,
and still counting . . .

U.S. Abortion Clock:


  • 1 out of every 66 deaths in the WORLD is an American abortion.
  • 1 out of every 4 deaths in America is an American Abortion.
  • Half of the deaths in the World are from abortions. Worldwide its over 1.627 Billion, and still counting.
  • Abortion is the leading cause of death in the world. It kills as many people as ALL of the other causes of death combined.
  • We have lost more Americans through abortions (64 times more) than we did in all of our wars (12 wars) combined.
  • The D-Day invasion of France (WWII) was the bloodiest day in history. There were 53,714 allied soldiers killed in the "Battle of Normandy." Yet, our World kills more people than that in just 9 hours through abortions.
  • America has lost 589 soldiers in its first year of fighting in the Iraq War. The World, however, kills more people than that in just 6 minutes through abortions.
[ Where You Can Help ]

Adolf Hitler and the Nazis have been often credited with the murder of six million Jews.
Now, how does that compare with over 64 million
murdered Human Beings in the U.S. alone??...

The Abhorrent Crimes of Auschwitz Nazi Doctors
(A.K.A "The 'Caring Doctors' of Auschwitz")

Runtime: 1:15:55 - The Madness of The Nazi Experiments - In KZ Auschwitz, infamous Nazi doctors as Mengele and Schumann performed horrible and mostly fatal experiments "in vivo" on thousands of deportees, women, men and children, in order to find ways of fast and massive sterilization of "inferior races", and methods to promote the fertility of the German "Herrenvolk".

The Killing Nurses of The Third Reich

Watch on YouTube - Runtime: 56:08 - Cizik School of Nursing has created a REMI Platinum Award-winning documentary film that tells the grim cautionary tale of nurses who participated in the Holocaust and abandoned their professional ethics during the Nazi era. The 56-minute film, Caring Corrupted: the Killing Nurses of the Third Reich, casts a harsh light on nurses who used their professional skills to murder the handicapped, mentally ill and infirm at the behest of the Third Reich and directly participated in genocide.

Article - May 04, 2022
The Slippery Slope from Abortions to Executions

by John W. Whitehead & Nisha Whitehead | The Rutherford Institute

The Left would suggest that unborn babies do not have constitutional rights and the only right that matters is a woman’s right to privacy in choosing whether or not to abort a pregnancy. The Right, while fixated on saving the lives of unborn babies, seems less concerned about what happens to those lives from birth to death.

It wants the power to decide who lives or dies and whose rights are worthy of protection.

Delve beneath the rhetoric and spin that have turned abortion into a politicized, polarized and propagandized frontline in the culture wars, and you will find a greater menace at work. [ READ MORE ]



  • We have allowed the killing and commoditization of innocent human beings.
  • We have allowed the creation of a lucrative and flourishing market for Human Baby body parts, organs, blood and fetal tissues.
  • We have allowed the corruption of our entire medical system now from cradle to grave.
  • And now they are even 'training us' to 'commoditize' ourselves!


America Awakens to the Satanic Ritual Nature
of Abortion as Leftists Openly Celebrate
the Murder of Children as a Sacrament

Mentally Ill Reactions To Roe v. Wade Caught On Camera...
Pro Baby Killers Clash With LAPD

May 04, 2022 - Runtime: 9:10 - As the pro baby protestors gather for a 2nd day of Molech worship, police are harassed, pushed, and threatened.

Baby Killers Big Mad

A society that treats its progeny like medical waste is a deeply sick society.

May 03, 2022 - Runtime: 7:57 - by Paul Joseph Watson: Shitlibs have realized
they might now be forced to abandon their efforts to sexualize kids...
and return instead to just butchering them in the womb.

Article - May 09, 2022
Justice Alito and Family at Undisclosed Location,
Pro-Life Group Firebombed After Leftist Terror

This is what Biden and Psaki refuse to condemn. It's what the media carefully
avoids denouncing.

Vandals set a fire inside the Madison headquarters of the pro-life group Wisconsin Family Action early Sunday, police and an official with the group said Sunday.

Investigators are calling the fire at the building, on Madison’s North Side near the Dane County Regional Airport, an arson.

Meanwhile, the targeted harassment of Supreme Court justices continues to escalate with the complicity of the Biden administration.

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito is paying a price for authoring a draft opinion that was leaked last week in which he and four other justices appear to be on the verge of overturning the Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion.

For the sake of safety, Alito has reportedly been moved to a location that will not be revealed, according to Breitbart. [ READ MORE ]

Article - May 09, 2022
Pro-life group attacked by Molotov cocktail,
headquarters set ablaze

'If abortions aren't safe then you aren't either'

Protesters attacked a pro-life group’s headquarters in Madison, Wisconsin on Sunday, according to a police announcement, throwing a Molotov cocktail at the building. The demonstrators reportedly targeted the pro-life non-profit Wisconsin Family Action (WFA), The New York Times reported. Graffiti was found on the building that read “If abortions aren’t safe then you aren’t either.” [ READ MORE ]

You can see here how the 'pro-abortion / pro-baby-murder crowd'
would naturally be very rabid and quite violent.

A 'stroll' through some more of the most recent
news articles that can say an awful lot about
where we are now, and how we got here:

(Even a short perusal of the titles and opening paragraph(s) can be very informative)

Article - May 09, 2022
Justice Alito and Family at Undisclosed Location,
Pro-Life Group Firebombed After Leftist Terror

This is what Biden and Psaki refuse to condemn.
It's what the media carefully avoids denouncing.

Vandals set a fire inside the Madison headquarters of the pro-life group Wisconsin Family Action early Sunday, police and an official with the group said Sunday.

Investigators are calling the fire at the building, on Madison’s North Side near the Dane County Regional Airport, an arson.

Meanwhile, the targeted harassment of Supreme Court justices continues to escalate with the complicity of the Biden administration.

Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito is paying a price for authoring a draft opinion that was leaked last week in which he and four other justices appear to be on the verge of overturning the Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion.

For the sake of safety, Alito has reportedly been moved to a location that will not be revealed, according to Breitbart. [ READ MORE ]

Article - May 09, 2022
DEMONS: Pro-life group attacked by Molotov cocktail, headquarters set ablaze

'If abortions aren't safe then you aren't either'

Protesters attacked a pro-life group’s headquarters in Madison, Wisconsin on Sunday, according to a police announcement, throwing a Molotov cocktail at the building.

The demonstrators reportedly targeted the pro-life non-profit Wisconsin Family Action (WFA), The New York Times reported. Graffiti was found on the building that read “If abortions aren’t safe then you aren’t either.” [ READ MORE ]

Article - May 07, 2022
Watch abortion advocates support infanticide

'10 months out of the womb'

The battle over abortion has clearly left the country divided. Pro-life lawmakers have been passing laws to save lives, while pro-abortion lawmakers have been working to expand abortion as quickly as possible. In some cases, like in California and Maryland, this has even led to bills containing language that many legal experts believe allow loopholes for legal infanticide. It begs the question of just how far abortion activists are willing to go to protect the killing of preborn children — and judging by one video, the answer is disturbing.

Article - May 06, 2022
Abortion: No greater act of self-worship

Craige McMillan on why the devil is at the heart of all depopulation plans

America has displayed a lot of self-worship down through the relatively short years of its existence. But can there be any greater act of self-worship than abortion? If you decide to kill another person because his or her existence has become inconvenient for you, good luck at your murder trial. If it's the child inside of you instead, well, then half the states and the Congress of the United States will finance your actions to eliminate that inconvenient child, and Big Media will spring to your moral defense over Satan's airwaves.

In fact, abortion's advocates will demand that the rest of us pay for this egregious, selfish and violent act. Then they seek to export it to the rest of the world through America's diplomatic relations [ READ MORE ]

Article - May 06, 2022
Elon Musk’s Tesla to Cover Travel Costs for Employees
Seeking Out-of-State Abortions

Elon Musk’s Tesla is covering travel costs for employees who get out-of-state
abortions, joining the ranks of several other companies that have introduced
similar reimbursement policies in the wake of multiple states
passing pro-life legislation.

Since 2021, Tesla has expanded its “Safety Net” program and health insurance offering to include “travel and lodging support for those who may need to seek healthcare services that are unavailable in their home state,” according to the company’s “Impact Report,” released Friday. [ READ MORE ]

Article - May 06, 2022
Democrats demanding nationwide abortion 'rights'
through 3rd trimester!

Extreme plan would strike down every state law imposing limits in first 6 months

Democrats are trying to ram through a bill which would legalize abortion nationwide, including during the last three months of pregnancy when a child can survive outside the womb.

The “Women’s Health Protection Act” (WHPA), introduced by Democratic Connecticut Sen. Richard Blumenthal and cosponsored by 47 other Senate Democrats, would create a right to abortions before viability, which is generally defined at around six months. It would also effectively bar states from outlawing abortion even in the third trimester if a health care worker says the pregnancy is bad for the mother’s mental or physical health.

Article - May 06, 2022
Pro-Abortion Radicals to Terrorize Churches on Mother’s Day

Pro-abortion radicals plan to terrorize Catholic churches on Mother’s Day
after a Supreme Court leak revealed Roe v. Wade may be overturned.

Ruth Sent Us, a radical-left organization, has sent out a notice over social media of sadistic protests occurring at unknown church locations throughout metropolitan cities.

Article - May 05, 2022
California bill would turn state into abortion destination

Luring pregnant women with travel grants

If Roe v. Wade is overturned when the Supreme Court rules on a Mississippi law in the coming weeks -- as a leaked draft opinion from the court suggested it will be -- you would think little would change in the state of California.

After all, overturning the 1973 decision would simply send the decision back to the states, and California has one of the most abortion-friendly slate of laws on the books. The state pays for some abortions via its Medicaid program, according to The Associated Press. Private insurers are forced to pay for abortions under state law. How could the provisions for killing an unborn child become any more liberal?

There are plenty of ways, actually. Not only will the state potentially become one of the first to guarantee the right to abortion in its constitution, a pending bill could also mean taxpayers will be paying for women to travel to the state to have their babies aborted.

Article - May 05, 2022
HHS chief: Taxpayers should fund cutting off kids' genitals

'We should help those have the life-affirming care that they need'

The Joe Biden administration in Washington is so committed to the transgender ideology, including the surgical procedures that mutilate the body parts of children and leave them permanently sterile, that his spokeswoman has threatened those who oppose it.

Now Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra, a far-left activist who while attorney general in California pursued criminal charges against undercover reporters who documented Planned Parenthood's profit motive, has stepped over the edge.

He's advocated for "cutting off kids' genitals" as "health care" and claims taxpayers should pay the bills. [ READ MORE ]

Article - May 05, 2022
Leftists Direct Protestors to Intimidate Conservative
Supreme Court Justices at Their Homes

Leftist activists are directing protestors to confront conservative
Supreme Court Justices at their homes in Maryland and Virginia.

Justices John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Amy Coney Barrett, Samuel Alito, Brett Kavanaugh, and Neil Gorsuch are all targets by an organization called, “Ruth Sent Us.” The organization has published the justices’ supposed home addresses online for the radical protestors to locate. [ READ MORE ]

Article - May 04, 2022
Meet the Companies that Will Facilitate
Abortions for Red State Employees

Employees of these woke companies who live in red states will still
be able to obtain abortions should Roe v. Wade be overturned.

Since conservative-leaning states began flexing their legislative muscles to outlaw abortion within their borders or severely limit its practice, companies from the likes of Amazon to Yelp have been drafting policies that will pay for employees’ abortions should they live in a state that outlaws the practice. After Politico published the leaked Supreme Court decision indicating that Roe v. Wade may be in its final days, more and more companies have been actively considering implementing such a practice, with none other than Amazon joining the fold this week. [ READ MORE ]

Article - Apr 24, 2022
Abortionists open first surgical center to kill babies
in state called 'abortion desert'

'We thought when we closed down the Planned Parenthood in 2017
that no one would try to come into Wyoming again'

Wyoming, a so-called “abortion desert,” will be opening its first surgical abortion facility this summer to be located between Wyoming Medical Center and downtown Casper. It will be operated by Circle of Hope Health Care Service, a pro-abortion non-profit whose mission, according to its website, is to “expand access to reproductive health care in abortion deserts around the world.”

Article - Apr 11, 2022
Lawmakers override governor's veto to pour millions
into training new abortionists

People who are NOT medical doctors can legally slay babies

Maryland will pour $3.5 million each year into training people who aren’t medical doctors to perform abortions after lawmakers overturned Republican Gov. Larry Hogan’s Friday veto. The training program is part of a bill that eliminates a ban on abortions performed by people who aren’t doctors and requires most private health insurance providers to cover abortion procedures. The legislature overrode Hogan’s veto of the bill on Saturday.

Nurse practitioners, midwives, nurse-midwives, and physicians assistants will be allowed to perform abortions in Maryland starting July 1. [ READ MORE ]

Article - Apr 10, 2022
'Truly disturbing': Energy company accused of
incinerating babies' bodies for electricity

'Aborted babies have been burned to keep your lights on and your house warm'

Tuesday morning, pro-life activists from the Progressive Anti-Abortion Uprising (PAAU) group held a press conference regarding the recovery of five aborted children from Washington Surgi-Center, an abortion facility owned and operated by abortionist Cesare Santangelo in Washington, D.C. Terrisa Bukovinac, founder and executive director of PAAU, and Lauren Handy, director of activism for PAAU, stated that they were given a box of medical waste containing the remains of aborted children by a Curtis Bay Energy driver. But what is allegedly being done with Curtis Bay Energy’s so-called “medical waste” is truly disturbing.

One of the speakers at the press conference, Missy Smith, stated that Curtis Bay Energy is burning the bodies of aborted babies (along with medical waste) to create energy for Baltimore. “This means, tragically, that they receive, transfer, and burn the corpses of aborted babies to make electricity for the households and businesses of the Baltimore area,” Smith said. “If you live in the Baltimore area, you must know that aborted babies have been burned to keep your lights on and your house warm. We call on Curtis Bay Energy to end this barbaric practice, and confirm publicly that they have done so.”

Article - Apr 08, 2022
Biden wants to force Christian hospitals
to kill babies or be shut down

'The general public has almost no awareness of what may be coming'

Christian and conservative organizations raised alarms this week about a potential new pro-abortion mandate from the Biden administration that could shut down Christian health care throughout the U.S.

Catholic News Service reports conservative leaders discovered the plans for the radical new regulation buried in a legal memorandum from the pro-abortion Leadership Conference and a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services announcement.

Crafted to be an anti-sex discrimination provision under the Affordable Care Act, the anticipated regulation likely would force Catholic and Christian hospitals, doctors, other medical workers and insurance companies to provide abortions, transgender surgeries and other procedures with no religious exemptions, according to the report. [ READ MORE ]

Article - Apr 05, 2022
Gay governor signs bill making killing the unborn a 'right'

New law puts state 'on par with China and North Korea'

Colorado Governor Jared Polis signed a bill into law on Monday that makes abortion a ‘right’ in the state. The bill passed the state Senate on March 23 by a vote of 20-15, and passed the state House about a week prior.

“No matter what the Supreme Court does in the future, people in Colorado will be able to choose when and if they have children,” Polis said at the bill signing ceremony. “We want to make sure that our state is a place where everyone can live and work and thrive and raise a family on their own terms.”

Polis failed to see the irony in his comment that Colorado would be “a place where everyone can live.” This law, HB22-1279, or the Reproductive Health Equity Act, strips every preborn human being at any point in pregnancy of his or her human right to life. The law states that an undelivered baby “does not have independent or derivative rights under the laws of the state.”

When the Senate passed the bill, Colorado GOP Chairwoman Kristi Burton Brown called it “a dark day for the Colorado Democrat Party and any individual who respects the sanctity of life,” adding, “If Jared Polis decides to sign this extreme abortion bill, he will put Colorado’s abortion laws on par with China and North Korea.” [ READ MORE ]

Article - Apr 05, 2022
Baby Bodies Recovered from Abortion Clinic Prompt
Calls for Investigation

Discovery of dead children prompts calls from pro-life advocates urging
DC medical examiner to perform investigation into whether
federal laws were violated.

DC police last week made an unsettling discovery at the home of a pro-life advocate who turned over the bodies of five babies reportedly born alive at a Washington DC abortion clinic, prompting calls for a medical investigation into whether the children’s deaths violated federal laws. [ READ MORE ]

Article - Jan 25, 2022
SF Archbishop Decries New Paganism
Whose ‘Sacrament’ Is Abortion

San Francisco Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone has denounced an aggressive,
anti-Christian secularism whose “blessed sacrament” is abortion.

In a speech this weekend for the annual March for Life published Monday by the National Catholic Register, Archbishop Cordileone warned of a new pagan religion that takes the form of “a hyper-aggressive, anti-Christian kind of a secularism.” [ READ MORE ]

Article - Jan 19, 2022
Abortion industry pushes horrifying alternative
as panic over Roe v. Wade's fate sets in

Deliberately starving unborn babies

While the Supreme Court has heard arguments on abortion laws in both Mississippi and Texas in recent months, providers have taken the opportunity to push dangerous abortion pills. The push hasn't been lost on Kristan Hawkins. She took to the pages of National Review and blasted the move from the abortion industry in no uncertain terms.

Article - Jan 19, 2022
Watch Live: Investigative Report to Reveal Abortion Industry’s
Latest Attempt to Target Black Women

The Center for Urban Renewal and Education (CURE) on Wednesday
will release its investigative report on the latest strategy
of the abortion industry to target the black community.

CURE, a policy and research center devoted to fighting poverty and helping black families to develop their communities, will hold a press conference at 10:30 a.m. Eastern, to unveil its report titled “The Impact of Abortion on the Black Community.” [ READ MORE ]

Article - Jan 16, 2022
Forget COVID, here's leading cause of death worldwide, once again

'It's the legalized killing of the most vulnerable' The leading cause of death worldwide for 2021
was abortion, which accounted for 42 of each 100 deaths from all causes, a report says.

Decision magazine explained, "The total of all deaths worldwide from causes other than abortion came in at 58.7 million, which means that abortions accounted for just over 42% of all human deaths in 2021." [ READ MORE ]

Article - Jan 09, 2022
Chicago Cardinal Heckled and Booed During Pro-Life Rally

Chicago Cardinal Blase Cupich was booed by a number of pro-life demonstrators at
a Chicago rally Saturday for his alleged failure to oppose abortion more vigorously.

Some of the protesters at Chicago’s March for Life carried green signs with white lettering that read “Cupich is the culture of death” and one video reproduced a tweet by the cardinal in which he insisted on the sanctity of life “from birth until natural death,” instead of “from conception.” [ READ MORE ]

Article - Dec 09, 2021
Furor Over Conservative Judges
Silence over Left-Leaning Law Schools

Judges lean left because conservatives ‘purged’ from law schools

Last week, the United States Supreme Court heard oral arguments in the case of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization. At issue is Mississippi’s statute banning abortion after 15 weeks’ gestation; the law also notes milestones such as fetal heartbeat and organ function at even earlier stages of development. The case therefore challenges the infamous 1973 Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision, which in effect legalized abortion at any point in pregnancy and made abortion law a matter for the federal courts, rather than the state legislatures, by claiming that abortion was a right guaranteed by the federal Constitution. [ READ MORE ]

Article - Dec 02, 2021
Kamala Harris Praises Biden as “Man of Deep Faith”
After His Top Lawyer Defends 63 Million Abortions at SCOTUS

Kamala Harris believes President Joe Biden is a “man of deep faith” even though his
administration is fighting to stop states from protecting unborn babies from abortion.

Harris, a widely unpopular pro-abortion Democrat, made the comment Thursday during a White House event celebrating Hanukkah, according to Breitbart. Her praise occurred just one day after Biden’s solicitor general urged the U.S. Supreme Court to uphold Roe v. Wade, which led to 63 million abortions.

“It is my honor to introduce a man of deep faith. I work with him every day, and he is guided by the light always,” Harris said Thursday during the event.

Though Biden portrays himself as a devout Catholic, he supports abortions through all nine months of pregnancy and wants to force taxpayers to pay for them in direct violation of the Catholic faith. Many believe the Biden administration is working to erode religious freedom, including the conscience rights of pro-life medical workers, as well. [ READ MORE ]

Article - Jul 15, 2021
Democrats charging forward with destruction
of Hyde Amendment protections

Also tossing Weldon provisions that addressed doctors' conscience rights

The Democrat-majority House Appropriations Committee, submitting to the demands of a pro-abortion element of the extreme left, has proposed a new budget without the Hyde Amendment, which for some 40 years now has protected the lives of the unborn and American taxpayers from being billed for those abortions that are committed.

"The elimination of the Hyde Amendment by pro-abortion Democrats destroys over 40 years of previously unprecedented bipartisan support for a measure aimed at saving human lives," explained Carol Tobias, president of National Right to Life. "This is a campaign by pro-abortion Democrats to ensure that abortion is available on demand, for any reason, at any time, and paid for with taxpayer dollars." [ READ MORE ]

Article - Jan 30, 2021
Baptist 'minister' thanks Biden for funding Planned Parenthood

A Baptist minister who works as an abortion activist praised President Joe Biden
this week for forcing American taxpayers to fund Planned Parenthood
and other abortion groups.

The Rev. Katey Zeh, CEO of the Religious Coalition for Reproductive Choice, told the Huffington Post that protecting "choice" is a moral issue and one that Biden has a responsibility to support. "As people of faith who support reproductive freedom, we believe that everyone has the capacity to make sacred decisions about their bodies, lives, families and futures," Zeh told the news outlet. "Any attempt to control, restrict or interfere with that decision is reproductive oppression." [ READ MORE ]

Article - Jan 29, 2021
Taxpayers now fund global abortions:
Blame Never-Trump evangelicals

The 'Orange Man Bad' crowd sacrificed babies' lives to get rid of their nemesis

The Biden administration announced that American taxpayers will now fund the killing of unborn babies not just in Mexico – but around the world. "It will be our policy to support women's and girls' sexual and reproductive health and reproductive rights in the United States, as well as globally," said Dr. Anthony Fauci during his remarks at the World Health Organization Executive Board Meeting last week. [ READ MORE ]

Article - Jan 22, 2021
President Joe Biden moves to reinstate U.S. funding
for abortion worldwide

Policy reversal actually goes against what most Democrats want

President Joe Biden is planning on issuing an executive order that will reverse the Mexico City policy, according to reports. The policy currently prevents groups that perform or promote abortion around the world from receiving funding through U.S. aid money. During the presidential campaign, Biden promised he would undo the policy so that U.S. global aid can be used to fund abortions again. [ READ MORE ]

Article - Jan 17, 2021
Papal Biographer Calls for a ‘Reckoning’
Against Pro-Life Catholics

British papal biographer Austen Ivereigh has called for a “reckoning” against
pro-life U.S. Catholics, insisting that they enabled the Jan. 6 Capitol violence
by refusing to support pro-abortion politicians.

“US Catholic pro-life movement’s hour of shame,” Mr. Ivereigh asserts on Twitter Saturday, “not a single unborn life saved, while enabling a spate of executions.” [ READ MORE ]

Article - Jan 01, 2021
Abortion Leading Global Cause of Death in 2020
with 42.7 Million Killed

Abortion was once again the number-one cause of death globally in 2020,
with a record 42.7 million unborn babies killed in the womb,
according to data provided by Worldometer.

As of December 31, 2020, there were 42.7 million abortions performed in the course of the year, Worldometer revealed, while 8.2 million people died from cancer, 5 million from smoking, and 1.7 million of HIV/AIDS.

By comparison, worldwide deaths from the coronavirus in 2020 totaled 1.8 million, according to Johns Hopkins University. [ READ MORE ]

Article - Dec 24, 2020
California Judge Orders Video Journalists to Pay
$13.6 M to Planned Parenthood

A federal judge in California ordered the video journalists who exposed
Planned Parenthood’s practices in the harvesting and sales of
aborted baby body parts to pay the abortion giant $13.6 million
to cover its legal costs in its case against them.

On Tuesday, U.S. District Judge William Orrick III ordered David Daleiden and his associates at Center for Medical Progress (CMP) to pay $13.6 million over the $2 million in damages they were ordered to pay last year for recording the abortion vendor’s officials while they discussed how they harvest the fetal tissue for sale.

Daleiden and his advocates have now appealed the verdict to the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

In November 2019, a jury found the pro-life journalists violated the federal Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (RICO), causing significant harm to Planned Parenthood with its video series, and awarded the punitive damages to the abortion provider. [ READ MORE ]

Article - Dec 22, 2020
Vatican Okays Use of Coronavirus Vaccines
Tied to Past Abortions

ROME — The Vatican’s doctrinal office (CDF) declared Monday that in present
circumstances “it is morally acceptable to receive Covid-19 vaccines that have
used cell lines from aborted fetuses in their research and production process.”

In its “Note on the morality of using some anti-Covid-19 vaccines,” the Vatican hastened to observe that it is not morally licit to perform abortions in order to create vaccines or for any other reason.

Nonetheless, the use of vaccines against the coronavirus, which, in the course of research and production, “employed cell lines drawn from tissue obtained from two abortions that occurred in the last century” can be a moral option because the cooperation in the past evil is “remote.” [ READ MORE ]

Article - Jun 09, 2020
Women handcuffed, cited while praying outside NYC Planned Parenthood the same week of George Floyd protests

Two women were seen being handcuffed by police on the sidewalk outside a New York City Planned Parenthood abortion clinic late last month — and they're calling it a double standard since it happened the same week that thousands gathered in crowds to protest the police-related death of George Floyd.

"We're black women but we do not support Black Lives Matter because they're hand-in-hand with Planned Parenthood that kills African-American babies," Beatty told Fox News. "They're fraudulent hypocrites... and I believe all lives matter because God created them. There are thousands of George Floyds that die every day in their mother's womb and it's just as injust as when he died at the hands of that police officer." [ READ MORE ]

Article - Apr 16, 2020
Unsealed docs show Planned Parenthood charged $25G for body parts, blood samples within months

Recently-unsealed documents reveal Planned Parenthood charged a biospecimen company nearly $25,000 for fetal tissue and maternal blood samples in 2012, fueling accusations from opponents that the nation's largest abortion provider violated federal law while exchanging fetal body parts.

The invoices were unsealed as part of Planned Parenthood's lawsuit with David Daleiden, the pro-life journalist whose undercover videos prompted both state and federal calls for investigations. According to the invoices, Planned Parenthood Mar Monte charged StemExpress $55.00 per "POC," or products of conception -- another term for fetal remains -- and $10.00 per sample of blood.

Three invoices -- dated Aug. 2, Sept. 5, and Sept. 28 -- show the abortion provider charging $5,860, $11,365, and $7,715. That totals $24,940, along with more than 200 POC's.

Daleiden argues that the disclosure reveals Planned Parenthood clearly violated federal law, which only allows reimbursements for associated costs rather than for the body part itself. [ READ MORE ]

Article - May 20, 2022
Is Soylent Green really that far fetched?

Exclusive: Brent Smith figures lefties eventually will push for
'people food' to fight climate change

The other day, I ran across an article from 2019 entitled, "After death: Washington state set to become the first to allow human composting."

It passed the state legislature in April 2019, and in May of that same year, it was signed into law by Gov. Jay Inslee.

That's right. "Seattleites will likely soon have a unique option to remember their loved ones after they die. Washington state is set to become the first to allow 'natural organic reduction' as a burial alternative – commonly referred to as human composting," wrote Seattlepi. "Democratic Sen. Jamie Pedersen of Seattle sponsored the bill because he said it makes sense – it's a low environmental impact way to dispose of remains. 'We can show the way for the world about a better way in dealing with this universal human experience – composting bodies could allow for the deceased to give back. The process will turn a body into soil within weeks." [ READ MORE ]

See the Full 1973 Classic Movie
Soylent Green
(Yes, same year as Roe v. Wade)

What if you had a nightmare, and then you woke up to discover
that you are now living in a dystopian sci-fi horror movie?
Well, now you know that you really are!...

Article - May 10, 2022
What the devil?
Satanists resurrect argument
that abortion is religious right

Using an argument that has been raised many times before, devotees of Satan
say that abortion restrictions or limits violate their religious rights –
because they view abortion as a religious ritual.

And they say it would violate the Constitution for them to be restricted to a faith that doesn't practice abortion. [ READ MORE ]

Hundreds of Missing Children
Sacrificed Every Year by The Elite

WARNING!: This video will be very hard to watch and to listen to!...

Runtime: 1:02:45 - This film exposes the satanic elite network of pedophilia, satanic ritual abuse and child trafficking. Hundreds of missing children are sacrificed every year by the satanic shadow government.

Black Babies - Brown Babies - White Babies



My God, my God!...
What have we allowed our
society to become??...

That have purported or claimed to be the representatives of God here on Earth, the bastions of piety, love and mercy,
and good works??... And have allowed this to happen???

Just in America for the last 49 years... Where have all the churches, temples, synagogues, mosques, and their entire congregations been for all these years?... Largely silent!... And now we have over 64 million slaughtered of the most innocent of human beings to have ever exist on this planet !!!!!!!!!!! (and still counting!......)

All squabbling over 'whos God is greater'?...

Praising God with all the 'feel good' platitudes while protecting their 'tax exempt status', when they could have found a way to work together to collaborate and organize their entire congregations into a massive political action network to peacefully and lawfully fight back against this great evil blight that has taken over our society, and corrupted our government, our institutions, and our land!...

Perhaps there are just too many

  • Quiters
  • Cowards
  • The 'Silent Majority'
  • The uninterested and detached
  • The distracted and indoctrinated
  • The fearful, afraid and intimidated
  • The people who are just too wrapped up
    in their own daily lives and problems
  • The glad-handing, self-serving Politicians!
  • The greedy, money-grubbing and the arrogant
  • The self-aggrandizing, social-climbing Glory Hunters!
We all let this happen.

We are in a 'Spiritual War' of 'Good vs Evil'.
Prayer is good... But it's not enough!

. . . TAKE ACTION!! . . .

We have even taken GOD out of our schools!

And we are now facing the test of our lives!


Pro-Life Organizations:

Black Genocide

Center For Medical Progress

Constitutional Amendment for Life

Crusade for Life

Human Coalition

Human Life International

International Life Services

National Pro-life Alliance

National Right To Life

Operation Rescue

ProLife Across America

Pro-Life Action League

Scholl Institute of Bioethics

Students For Life

US Abortion Clock

Medical, Health Rights & Welfare:

America's Frontline Doctors

Center For Medical Progress

Childrens Health Defense

Global Neuroethics


Stop 5G International

Stop Organ Harvesting

Swiss Policy Research

The Healthy American

The Truth About Cancer

The Truth About Vaccines

World Doctors Alliance

Vaccine Impact

Other Sources for Information:

Life News

LifeSite News

Natural News

Voices from the womb:
A declaration of human rights

'PreBorn Americans United' offer first-person argument
against abortion-homicide


When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for a persecuted People to assert among the nations of the earth our unalienable Right to Life to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle us, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that we should declare the causes which impel us to this just and worthy Declaration and to explain why we are making an accusation of the most barbaric crime against humanity in history regarding all those who have participated in or who have approved of The Great American Abortion Holocaust.

We, the preborn next generation of Americans, hold these truths to be self-evident, that all scientifically identifiable [DNA] human individuals – from the moment of our creation, at conception/fertilization – are created equal with all post-birth human individuals, that we are endowed by the Creator of us all with certain unalienable Rights,
that among these are:

Just what does it sound like 'when doves cry'?

"Please remember me"

If people can get away with this...
then what can't people get away with?

Calling All Angels!...

Also, and as if this wasn't enough, see how they have been using sewage from the cities and suburban centers which contain human waste, toxic metals, pharmaceuticals, plastics, industrial waste, human aborted fetuses (those that haven't made it to 'market'), and now several states have authorized the disposal of other human bodies into the 'waste-stream' to be shipped to farms for use as fertilizers on our food crops:

Have you ever heard about
'Human Composing'?...

[ Biosludged! ]
(Starting to 'feed us to ourselves')

You can check out other TP pages by
[ Clicking Here ]

It is said that "Music is a Universal Language"

Music is Energy for the Spirit...

(Best listened to 'piped' through a home stereo)

Sacred Spirit - Book Of Secrets - Runtime: 1:29:21

- If your audio control does not work:
[ click here ]

(I think there must be a message in here, somewhere...)
Page with A Mix of 35 Tracks-Total Runtime: 2:55:19

Page with a Selected Mix of 21 Tracks from 3 Albums

Page with a Mix of 66 Tracks from 7 Albums of The Best

Page with a Mix of 89 Tracks from 8 Albums

3 Selected Prophetic Tracks from the first Album

Page with First Album of 6 Tracks-Total Runtime: 41:08

Page with a Mix of 10 Tracks from 2 Albums

Page with a Mix of 43 Tracks from 7 Albums of The Best

Mix of Full Albums with 18 Tracks-Total Runtime: 8:11:45

Page with a Mix of 17 Tracks from Several Albums

Extended Play Mix of 194 Tracks-Total Runtime: 21:57:01
Great for Background Study and Relaxation

Extended Play Mix of 8 Tracks, Total Runtime: 22:09:20
Great for Background Study and Relaxation

Mix of 14 Tracks-Some Extended-Total Runtime: 7:46:18
Great for Background Prayer and Meditation

Mix of 5 Tracks-Incl. 2 Albums-Total Runtime: 1:47:04

Symphony Orchestra-18 Tracks-Total Runtime: 1:17:44

Symphony No. 9 - 7 Tracks-Total Runtime: 56:26

Page with Mix of 5 Albums - Various World Music Artists

A Mix of 30 Tracks-Total Runtime: 1:54:18

Selected Mix of 16 Tracks from a Live Concert+Bonus 7

Page with Full Album of 8 Tracks-Total Runtime: 49:15

Comprehensive Mix of 115 Tracks-Total Runtime: 13:56:05
Great for Background Study and Relaxation

Comprehensive Mix of 115 Tracks-Total Runtime: 14:14:29
Ambient Low-Volume for Deep-Sleep and Dreaming

Beautiful Relaxing Background-Total Runtime: 3:00:12

Mix of 104 Tracks-Incl. 3 Albums-Total Runtime: 9:26:55

Mix of 19 Tracks-Incl. 1 Album-Total Runtime: 2:27:30

Calling All Angels!...

Classic Sci-Fi Entertainment
Mad Scientists,
Crazy Alien Creatures,
Futuristic Technologies,
Cosmic Threats,
what could possibly go wrong?...

It is said that yesterday's 'science fiction'
can often become today's 'science fact'...

Soundtrack to the Movie Dune

Other Truth Project Pages:


Archbishop Issues Warning of 'The Great Reset'

Dr. Robert W. Malone, MD Warns Against The "Vaccines"

Catherine Austin-Fitts Lays Out the Global Beast Slave System

Greg Reese Reports on The Covid Scam and on the "Vaccines"

Biosludge!: They are now turning Human Beings into Fertilizer

EXPLOSIVE! - Interview with Steve Quayle, Gary Heavin, and
Mike Adams + David Icke

The Lost Years of Jesus - Travel to India, Tibet and Persia?

Main-Stream Media Coverage about the UFO Phenomena

Civilizational Change: Hard Times - Strong / Weak Men

SHUT DOWN Bio-Weapons Labs and the Death Shots!!

Earth Changes: Worlds Between the Earth and the Sky

The AI Control Grid: Threats to Our Planet & Humanity

The Basics: Truth and the Nature of Scientific Inquiry

The Moody Blues - The Best Selections - Album Mix

What YOU CAN DO To Prepare And Fight The Cabal!

The Nature of the Human Mind and Consciousness

The 'Perfect Storm' of Global Famine on the Horizon

Technology: The Good, The Bad, and The Terrifying

Good Times - Hard Times - Strong Men - Weak-Men

Nature of Reality: Of Information, Energy & Matter

David Icke - World Events and Human Psycopathy


Renaissance - Tales of 1001 Nights - Live Concert

Dr. Steven Greer - The Cosmic Hoax and More

Full Length Sci-Fi Classic Movies 1950's Style

Pink-Floyd - The Best Selections - Album Mix

Dan Fogelberg & Tim Weisberg - Twin Sons

Flock of Seagulls with The Psychedlic Furs

The BoDeans - Home - Outside Looking In

Anthony Phillips - The Geese & the Ghost

Sleepscapes - Ambient Deep Sleep Music

Peter Gabriel - Red Rain Coming Down

Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Lucky Man

Pangea - Deep Forest - World Music

Global War And The Nuclear Threat

The Adventures of Flash Gordon!

The Global Depopulation Agenda

Fake "Vaccine" 'Clot-Kill Shots'

Battlefield America: 2022-2024

The Truth Project Full Concert

A Message to Planet Earth:

The Great Global Collapse

King Crimson - Epitaph

Rise of the Machines

The Oblivion Agenda

The Music of Enigma

The Fall of the Cabal

What is Science?

The Control Grid

The Outer Limits



Secret Societies

What is Truth?

Soylent Green


Ghost World

World Party!


Only You


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[ What YOU CAN DO To Prepare And To Fight The Cabal! ]

Information – Education – Discernment

Truth – Knowledge – Reason – Understanding – Wisdom – Conscience

Intuition – Enlightenment – Faith – Love

A Project of
The Church of Universal Truth



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