Soft Piano, Violin & Cello for Autumn Rain Nights

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We Must ALL LIVE on this same Planet
Together, so therefore, we must All Strive
to Promote Peace and Understanding
wherever possible between Nations,
Peoples, Cultures and Religions,
and we must choose NEGOTIATIONS
and Trade over Warfare anywhere
there is conflict and suffering
in Our Own Home World.

This is the only way we can
'de-fang' the perpetual

Globalist Corporate
Criminal Cartel
'War Machine'!




NOTE: That each episode below is about a half-hour or less. Total viewing time is around 9 hours. It is highly recommended that you take the time to watch each part starting with a couple parts as time will allow, and then returning to watch a few more each time until you can get a more complete picture of the Global Threat to Our Freedoms, and the malevolent forces that are behind it all...

Fall of the Cabal Sequel - Part-1
by Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter - Runtime: 28:50

Who is the Cabal? In this 17 part series, the Cabal will be fully exposed. As time is running out, we will upload one part every week. Research and script are done... for all 17 parts. Only the editing is left. Therefore, one part per week. This Sequel is not about Q, nor Trump. It is about the Cabal. It will give you info that will blow you off your socks. Crime, murder, money laundering, cartels, high treason, all of which under your noise.

[ WATCH ! ]

Fall of the Cabal Sequel - Part-2
by Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter - Runtime: 20:18

The Wrath of the Jesuit Council... From Weishaupt and the creation of the Order of the Illuminati to Napoleon and WWI. Follow their trail of destruction in order to know whom we are dealing with.

[ WATCH ! ]


Fall of the Cabal Sequel - Part-3
by Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter - Runtime: 28:37

About the Russian Revolution, the Great Depression and WWII... all instigated by the Cabal. Through manipulating the Stock market, by pushing Cabal puppets forward , and by ruthlessly killing millions of people who stood in their way. With one goal, and one goal alone.
[ WATCH ! ]

Fall of the Cabal Sequel - Part-4
by Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter - Runtime: 30:15

The Protocols of Zion.
[ WATCH ! ]

Fall of the Cabal Sequel - Part-5
by Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter - Runtime: 28:40

About the Georgia Guidestones, Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, the UN, and the 'Peacekeepers'.
[ WATCH ! ]

Fall of the Cabal Sequel - Part-6
by Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter - Runtime: 33:17

About Henry Kissinger, Population Policy, the UN and its many NGOs, the UN Population Fund, Population Control, forced abortions & sterilizations, and Planned Parenthood and Margaret Sanger.

[ WATCH ! ]

Fall of the Cabal Sequel - Part-7
by Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter - Runtime: 34:10

About the 5500 NGOs, connected to the UN, who do so-called charity work. Upon investigating their very own financial papers, we discovered that NGOs are nothing but the perfect business model to launder money (billions of dollars!), to avoid paying tax, and to invest in the Cabal's main target: depopulation and world dominance. Join us to peel off a few more layers of this onion, to found who the Cabal truly is!

[ WATCH ! ]

Fall of the Cabal Sequel - Part-8
by Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter - Runtime: 28:43

Exposure of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, their so-called philanthropy in India and Africa in the form of mass-vaccinations, one of the most favorite tools of the Cabal to roll out the Protocols of Zion and Agenda 21 and 2030.
[ WATCH ! ]

Fall of the Cabal Sequel - Part-9
by Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter - Runtime: 28:46

Further exposure of Bill Gates, his obsession with genetically modifying everything he can lay his hands on, and his secret ties to the US Army. Also exposing the corruption of Tedros Adhanam Ghebreyesus, current director general of the WHO.
[ WATCH ! ]

Fall of the Cabal Sequel - Part-10
by Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter - Runtime: 27:01

Further exposure of Bill Gates, buying shares in companies active in the area of control, manipulation, censorship, human trafficking, and Adrenochrome. About Gates’ multiple visits to Epstein Island and his foolish denial, his investments in Monsanto, and his vaccination fetish.
[ WATCH ! ]

Fall of the Cabal Sequel - Part-11
by Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter - Runtime: 27:38

Further exposure of Bill Gates, being involved in some of the most polluting companies in the world. Exposing his money fraud and redefining philanthropy.
[ WATCH ! ]

Fall of the Cabal Sequel - Part-12
by Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter - Runtime: 26:15

The ultimate weapon of Bill Gates: Gene Drive Technology / Synthetic Biology. A curse or a blessing?

[ WATCH ! ]

Fall of the Cabal Sequel - Part-13
by Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter - Runtime: 26:42

Final exposure of Bill Gates. His last evil schemes in the lime-lights.
[ WATCH ! ]

Fall of the Cabal Sequel - Part-14
by Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter - Runtime: 34:15

The Era of Depopulation… What does that look like in our daily lives? About wars, (natural?) disasters, famine & drought, plagues & diseases. The true story behind HIV/AIDS and the Spanish Flu.
[ WATCH ! ]

Fall of the Cabal Sequel - Part-15
by Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter - Runtime: 27:37

The Era of Depopulation… About our poisoned food, water, and care products, about GMOs and Family Planning. The true story behind sex education and the LGBTQ movement.
[ WATCH ! ]

Fall of the Cabal Sequel - Part-16
by Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter - Runtime: 26:51

The Era of Depopulation… The Truth behind Chemtrails and Electrosmog.
[ WATCH ! ]

Fall of the Cabal Sequel - Part-17
by Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter - Runtime: 27:08

The Era of Depopulation… The Truth behind vaccines.
[ WATCH ! ]

Fall of the Cabal Sequel - Part-18
by Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter - Runtime: 32:56

Covid-19: Part 1 of multiple episodes about the biggest medical scam of all times.
[ WATCH ! ]

Fall of the Cabal Sequel - Part-19
by Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter - Runtime: 26:09

The Covid Scam started with social distancing and face masks. Based on scientific fraud, people were led to believe the horrific predictions of incompetent advisors to the government. Millions of people were to die if we didn’t obey! And so… the people obeyed. Families were torn apart, societies were split. Everything that gave joy – singing, dancing, hugging, laughing – was prohibited. Instead, fear ruled the planet and turned it into a dark place. Midazolam and morphine was used to purposefully euthanise many thousands of elderly people in care homes. Hold on to your seat as we prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that our world leaders arranged all of this during the lockdowns, so nobody would notice. Hard to believe? Then follow us… to part 20!
[ WATCH ! ]

Fall of the Cabal Sequel - Part-20
by Janet Ossebaard & Cyntha Koeter - Runtime: 31:23

Covid-19: Part 3 of multiple episodes about the biggest medical scam of all times. About Face Masks, Social Distancing, and much more...
[ WATCH ! ]

You may also visit the website:

Greg Reese Report - Nov 03, 2021
Know Thy Enemy
A look into the documentary ‘MONOPOLY – Who owns the world?’

Christopher James joins Mike Adams to discuss
Common Law and Corporate "personhood" Global Enslavement

Runtime: 48:15

[ WATCH ! ]


THE NEW WORLD ORDER - A 6000 Year History

UFOTV - Runtime: 1:42:07 - Released in 2013, this is a detailed and complete 6000 year history of the New World Order and the Illuminati. Includes the history of the Secret Societies, Ancient Beliefs and the Matrix of Control that has shaped human history for thousands of years. Also includes for the first time, a documented history of the true birth of the Illuminati and finally, its affect on the world today.

BLOOD SACRIFICE: Hidden Occult Secrets of Hitler

UFOTV - Runtime: 1:20:41 - At the height of his power, Adolph Hitler believed he was the Aryan Christ and the Biblical Antichrist. This documentary uncovers the Occult Secrets of Adolph Hitler and the 3rd Reich from a biblical perspective and presents research that mainstream historians generally fail to consider. Note: This film includes a fully biblical perspective.


What is it going to be?...
Free World or Slave??...

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It is said that "Music is a Universal Language"

Music is Energy for the Spirit...

(Best listened to 'piped' through a home stereo)

Sacred Spirit - Book Of Secrets - Runtime: 1:29:21

- If your audio control does not work:
[ click here ]

(I think there must be a message in here, somewhere...)

Calling All Angels!...

Classic Sci-Fi Entertainment
Mad Scientists,
Crazy Alien Creatures,
Futuristic Technologies,
Cosmic Threats,
what could possibly go wrong?...

It is said that yesterday's 'science fiction'
can often become today's 'science fact'...

Soundtrack to the Movie Dune

Other Truth Project Pages:


Archbishop Issues Warning of 'The Great Reset'

Dr. Robert W. Malone, MD Warns Against The "Vaccines"

Catherine Austin-Fitts Lays Out the Global Beast Slave System

Greg Reese Reports on The Covid Scam and on the "Vaccines"

Biosludge!: They are now turning Human Beings into Fertilizer

The Lost Years of Jesus - Travel to India, Tibet and Persia?

Main-Stream Media Coverage about the UFO Phenomena

Civilizational Change: Hard Times - Strong / Weak Men

SHUT DOWN Bio-Weapons Labs and the Death Shots!!

Earth Changes: Worlds Between the Earth and the Sky

The AI Control Grid: Threats to Our Planet & Humanity

The Basics: Truth and the Nature of Scientific Inquiry

What YOU CAN DO To Prepare And Fight The Cabal!

The Nature of the Human Mind and Consciousness

The 'Perfect Storm' of Global Famine on the Horizon

Technology: The Good, The Bad, and The Terrifying

Good Times - Hard Times - Strong Men - Weak-Men

Nature of Reality: Of Information, Energy & Matter

David Icke - World Events and Human Psycopathy


Dr. Steven Greer - The Cosmic Hoax and More

Global War And The Thermo-Nuclear Threat

The Fake "Vaccine" 'Clot-Kill Shots'

The Global Depopulation Agenda

Battlefield America: 2022-2024

The Great Global Collapse

The Rise of the Machines

The Oblivion Agenda

The Fall of the Cabal

What is Science?

The Control Grid


Secret Societies

What is Truth?


Ghost World


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[ Home ] -- [ The Basics: Truth and the Nature of Scientific Inquiry ] -- [ Nature of Reality: Of Information, Energy and Matter ]

[ The Nature of the Human Mind and Consciousness ] -- [ Earth Changes: Worlds Between the Earth and the Sky ]

-- [ Technology: The Good, The Bad, and The Terrifying ] -- [ The Control Grid: Threats to Our Planet & Humanity ]

[ What YOU CAN DO To Prepare And To Fight The Cabal! ]

Information – Education – Discernment

Truth – Knowledge – Reason – Understanding – Wisdom – Conscience

Intuition – Enlightenment – Faith – Love

A Project of
The Church of Universal Truth


This is our test...

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