- Engineered Global Famine and mRNA in Our Food Supply -

[ SHUT DOWN Bio-Weapons Labs and Death Shots!! ]

[ The Poisoning: mRNA in our Food Supply ] ------- [ The Fake "Vaccine" Clot & Kill Shots ]


( And just like the Govt Bio-Warfare Labs... You are Paying For it! )...

May 13, 2024
Mass Starvation: Here’s Why Most Of America Is Completely Unprepared

Unfortunately, there are some people out there who think they don’t need to store supplies because they plan to take from other people. Firstly, anyone who makes this their Plan A is probably a psychopath and I have zero empathy for them. Secondly, such people won’t stay alive very long. With every violent encounter the risk of injury or death increases; looters and raiders will be whittled down rather quickly as they get picked off by people defending their resources.

It’s not like the movies, folks; marauders will disappear swiftly during a crash. After the first year I would be surprised if any of these individuals or groups still exist. [ READ MORE ]

Greg Reese Report - Apr 05, 2023 - Runtime: 6:16
American Farmers To Begin Injecting Livestock With mRNA Shots This Month
There are no laws requiring informed consent for vaccine food

Apr 16, 2023
‘We’ve Confirmed This mRNA Stuff
is in the Food Supply,’
Says Attorney Tom Renz

Establishment has been planning to vaccinate Americans
through the food supply for decades, says Tom Renz.

"For all you guys that stood strong and said no to these mRNA vaccines. Well, you're gonna get them anyway right through your food." Pigs in the U.S. have been already injected with mRNA vaccines since 2018 and the beef and chicken supplies are next, warns attorney and activist Thomas Renz.

Pharmaceutical companies Merck and Moderna have already developed an mRNA vaccine for pigs that’s been in use since 2018, and the unregulated experimental technology could soon expand to the entire food supply to mass-vaccinate the American population.

“Right now, we’ve confirmed this mRNA stuff is in the food supply. We know that Merck has a product called Sequivity. They’ve been injecting mRNA into pigs since 2018,” Renz told Real America’s Voice on Saturday. [ READ MORE ]

Apr 03, 2023 - Runtime: 11:55
Eat Your Vaccines: mRNA Gene Therapy
Is Coming to the Food Supply THIS MONTH

They've given up on a needle in every arm. Now they're coming for what you eat.

Apr 12, 2023 - Runtime: 33:52
Stores Already Selling VAXXED Meat?...

The Eugenics Operation CONTINUES!

Apr 05, 2023
Eat the Bugs: EU has No Plan to Clearly Label Food Containing Insects,
Official Confirms

The EU has no plans to force food manufacturers to clearly label when
a product contains insects, an official from the bloc has confirmed.

Stella Kyriakides, the EU’s Commissioner for Health and Food Safety, has confirmed that the bloc has no intentions of forcing manufacturers to clearly label whether a food product contains insects.

It comes shortly after the union approved the use of powdered house crickets and mealworms in products made for human consumption, with officials stating that the bugs serve as an “alternate source of protein” for those willing to consume it. [ READ MORE ]

Jan 04, 2023 - Runtime: 1:02:45
David DuByne and Mike Adams discuss global crop failures, famine and cannibalism

Dec 09, 2022
Let's Get Rid of Food – What Could Possibly Go Wrong?

Exclusive: Patrice Lewis says our betters are engineering
a global famine 'for the common good'

Despite months of enormous and widespread protests from Dutch farmers, the Dutch government will be confiscating 3,000 farms and closing them down in the interests of complying with EU environmental rules to decrease nitrogen emissions by 50% by 2030. Of course, this means 3,000 farms' worth of food production will be eliminated. The Netherlands is the world's second-largest exporter of agricultural products and provides vegetables for much of Western Europe. Over half of Dutch land is used for agriculture, and that doesn't count 24,000 acres' worth of crops growing in greenhouses. What does the Dutch government think will happen to the price and availability of food after their "green" agenda is accomplished? What could possibly go wrong with their plans?

Next, Germany, at the behest of the EU's green agenda, has banned farmers in one of its federal states from properly fertilizing large swathes of land. The farmers are furious; they know what will happen to yields if they reduce nitrogen fertilizer. But who cares what a bunch of peasants are bleating about?

Now Canada is doing the same thing, with Prime Minister Justin Trudeau pushing for a fertilizer reduction in the name of "climate change." Let's get rid of food. What could possibly go wrong?

Sri Lanka, of course, has been the poster-child for government interference in farming. In this island nation, the government banned synthetic fertilizers and forcibly ordered the entire country to switch to organic fertilizers instead. As a result, harvests nosedived and starvation is a very real possibility. But who cares? They're just peasants. [ READ MORE ]

Nov 05, 2022
Multinational Agrichemical Corporations
and the Great Food Transformation

As "decarbonize agriculture" becomes the watchword, powerful multinational agriculture firms have embraced the 2030 UN agenda, their actions will result in widespread hunger

In July 2022, the Canadian government announced its intention to reduce “emissions from the application of fertilizers by 30 percent from 2020 levels by 2030.” In the previous month, the government of the Netherlands publicly stated that it would implement measures designed to lower “nitrogen pollution some areas by up to 70 percent by 2030,” in order to meet the stipulations of the European “Green Deal,” which aims to “make the EU’s climate, energy, transport and taxation policies fit for reducing net greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55 percent by 2030, compared to 1990 levels.”

In response, Dutch “farm and agriculture organizations said the targets were not realistic and called for a protest,” which led farmers and their supporters to rise up across the country. The artificially designed Green Deal is one of the goals of Agenda 2030, which was adopted by 193 member states of the United Nations (UN) in 2015. [ READ MORE ]

Oct 04, 2022
Environmental and Political Elites Are Destroying Food Production for “Climate” Goals

In pursuing CO2 reductions like Captain Ahab chased Moby Dick,
Western elites are destroying much of the world's agriculture base

In the Carnegie Museum of Natural History in Pittsburgh, a special thematic part was dedicated to anticipating the future on earth in the winter of 2022. The visitors had the opportunity to vote for the topic they find important and want to learn more about.

The three knowledge offered choices were 1) how development of energy potential may influence climate change; 2) how improving the condition of the environment, forests, parks, and waters may reduce CO2; 3) how improving the conditions of agriculture, land, and farmers may contribute to food security and affordable food. The visitors voted by throwing a bottle cork in one of the three knowledge cylinders, and the option that won the most votes would be promoted in the museum through popular science content.

Out of eighteen visitors, only four decided to vote for the third cylinder on agriculture, and these were children and women. The rest of votes were shared almost equally between the cylinders for energy and the environment.

Greg Reese Report - Aug 20, 2022 - Runtime: 6:11
Sacred Cows and the Dangers
of Eating Bugs

A scientific approach to the wild theory that cow farts are destroying the Earth

Aug 15, 2022
You WILL Eat the Bugs: Major Brands Quietly Slipping Insects Into Your Food

Cricket-containing snacks just some of a slew of new products showcasing insects as their protein source, with many quietly relegating special insect blends to small font or ingredients label.

Major companies are quietly adding insects to their food products, implementing a goal established by the World Economic Forum that seeks to have humans eat bugs as one of its purported keys to a sustainable planet.

On Sunday, carnivore diet guru Dr. Shawn Baker tweeted a photo of a bag of cheddar cheese puffs, only instead of being made of corn meal these snack foods were chock-full of insect protein.

The snack item from Canadian brand Actually Foods states the puffs are “powered by crickets” to the tune of 10 grams of protein per serving.

The ingredients label on the back of the bag indicates “organic cricket flour” was used in the puffs’ production, and an allergy warning on the back of the bag also cautions, “People who are allergic to shellfish may also be allergic to crickets.”

Further investigation into Actually Foods’ parent company Entomo Farms shows it’s on a mission “to make cricket-based foods the first choice for individuals interested in high-quality, sustainable protein,” and they actually produce whole roasted crickets in a variety of flavors, in addition to cricket protein powder.

Greg Reese Report - Aug 06, 2022 - Runtime: 5:22
Human Cannibalism Being Pushed by the New Green Movement
Mainstream media persuading the public to normalize
cannibalism and eat each other

Aug 05, 2022
Supply Chain Problems Will Persist Because The System Is Being Sabotaged

The globalist dynamic of interdependency is a disaster waiting to happen, and now it’s happening. The “Great Reset” agenda of the WEF, IMF, the BIS and other globalist organizations requires an extensive destabilization of the existing order. In other words, they need a controlled demolition of certain pillars of the economy.

The war in Ukraine has been the go-to scapegoat the past few months for supply chain disruptions, but these issues started long before that. Years of central bank stimulus and fiat money creation have triggered the inevitable landslide of inflation/stagflation that alternative economists have been warning about.

In a recent interview with Bloomberg, the executive vice president of UPS asserted that “regionalization” of the supply chain is critical to economic stability as geopolitcal conflicts expand. The word “regionalization” is basically a code word to describe decentralization, a concept which the UPS representative obviously did not want to dive into directly. Almost every trade expert and industry insider is admitting that supply chain problems are going to persist into the foreseeable future, and some are starting to also admit (in a roundabout way) that localized production and trade models are the key to survival.

This is something that I and many other alternative economists have been talking about for a decade or more. The globalist dynamic of interdependency is a disaster waiting to happen, and now it’s happening. Without decentralized mining of raw materials, local manufacturing, locally sourced goods, local food production and locally integrated trade networks there can be no true stability. All it takes for the system to implode is one or two crisis events and the economy’s ability to meet public demand stagnates. The system doesn’t completely stop, but it does slowly shrivel and degrade.

The war in Ukraine has been the go-to scapegoat the past few months for supply chain disruptions, but these issues started long before that. Years of central bank stimulus and fiat money creation have triggered the inevitable landslide of inflation/stagflation that alternative economists have been warning about. [ READ MORE ]

Aug 05, 2022
Michael Yon to Jordan Peterson: Globalists Are Driving ‘Pandemic, Famine, War’ — ‘Triangle of Death’

Michael Yon, a photojournalist specializing in war and a retired U.S. Army Special Forces veteran, warned Jordan Peterson of a growing “triangle of death” driven by globalist machinations: pandemics, famines, and wars.

In an interview with Peterson published last week, Yon used a neologism he coined — “PanFaWar” — synthesizing “pandemic,” “famine,” and “war” into one term. The three phenomena, he said, are mutually reinforcing and often occur as a package.

“Let’s talk about PanFaWar: pandemic, famine, war,” Yon stated. “The triangle of death. They always go together. If you get a big war or a big pandemic or a big famine, you’ll get the other two. If you get one, you get the other two. It’s three musketeers, and all of these things, any one of them creates the human osmotic pressure. So these things go together.”

Yon exposited on what he framed as a cascade of catastrophes involving disease, food shortages, and war: [ READ MORE ]

Aug 04, 2022
Climate Change Proposals Putting American Food Supply at Risk, says dairy farmer

Climate initiatives and a push for plant-based food are fostering anti-farm sentiment, Nash says

A fourth-generation dairy farmer fears that possible climate initiatives could threaten independent farmers and their ability to provide for the U.S. food supply.

Several nations have imposed regulations on the agriculture industry, such as limits on nitrogen emissions, which have sparked backlash from farmers in those countries. The Biden administration, too, has indicated that it aims to push changes on the industry to tackle climate change.

"Americans are feeding into this lie that climate change is because of agriculture and climate change is not going to get better until farmers and ranchers do better," Stephanie Nash, a fourth-generation dairy farmer, told Fox News.

Aug 04, 2022
The Great Reset at Work: The Dystopian Transformation of the Food Industry

Fresh off destroying the agricultural economy of Sri Lanka, the Great Reset crowd now is urging people to eat insects in order to combat the food shortages that the self-appointed elites have caused

Coercive Covid-19 lockdown measures, vaccine mandates, the transition to green energy, and poorly thought out Western sanctions against Russia have all played significant roles in disrupting global food markets and supply chains. In May 2022, data from the UN Food and Agriculture Organization indicated that, relative to twelve months ago, “international wheat prices have increased 56 percent,” “cereal prices are up nearly 30 percent,” and “vegetable oils are 45 percent higher.”

The World Bank expects many people to be pushed into extreme poverty and to experience food insecurity on account of higher prices for both food and farm inputs, particularly in nations that import most of their needs in these areas. More specifically, it notes that “the war in Ukraine has altered global patterns of trade, production, and consumption of commodities in ways that will keep prices at historically high levels through the end of 2024 exacerbating food insecurity and inflation.” Meanwhile, Bayer, “an international chemicals, agricultural and healthcare group,” projects that “food insecuritywill affect up to 1.9 billion people by November 2022—mainly caused by the war in Ukraine and further accelerated by climate change and COVID-19,” which could possibly lead to a “hurricane of hunger.” [ READ MORE ]

Jul 08, 2022
United Nations warns world is facing food 'destabilization'

'Starvation and mass migration' on unprecedented scale coming

The United Nations World Food Program (WFP) predicted a global food “catastrophe” over the next two years in a report released Wednesday.

Up to 2.3 billion people faced moderate to severe food insecurity in 2021, with those numbers only projected to rise, according to the report. WFP blamed global conflict, the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change for exacerbating hunger levels across the globe, and countries in Central America, Africa and the Middle East will endure the severest shortages, according to the report.

“The result will be global destabilization, starvation, and mass migration on an unprecedented scale. We have to act today to avert this looming catastrophe,” David Beasley, director of the UN WFP, said in a statement following the report.

Jul 06, 2022 - Runtime: 5:46
Watch: The Food Wars Have Begun!

How long could you feed your family if the grocery stores were empty?...

It's time to get prepared. Food manufacturing plants are being burned down all over the United States. According to the FBI’s Cyber Division, cyber-attack threats on agricultural cooperatives are an imminent threat. It looks like The Food Wars have begun.

Jul 05, 2022
Food-supply update: Arrest made after 1,000-animal death wave rocks small U.S. county

After a long string of unusual fires, explosions and disasters at food production plants, ranches and farms across the United States, it is good to see someone arrested and charged in one case of mayhem involving our food chain.

The story comes from Sac County, a small, rural county in western Iowa, about an hour east of Sioux City, where the sheriff's office was called about an unusual number of dead hogs.

When authorities arrived in the area on Thursday, they found more than 1,000 hogs lying dead in two confinement sites, according to KCCI-TV in Des Moines.

Greg Reese Report - Jul 02, 2022 - Runtime: 5:29
A.I. Run Factory To Process 5000 Tons of Meat Per Day - Delivered Via Trains
As we celebrate our independence this year we must remember that the 1973 film Soylent Green took place in 2022

Jun 25, 2022
“Catastrophe”: UN Chief Makes Major Warning about Impending Food Crisis

According to the current head of the United Nations, U.N. Secretary-General Antonio Guterres, the current situation with Russia, along with other factors, has the potential of creating an “unprecedented global hunger crisis” that could prove to be a “catastrophe.”

Speaking on that Friday, Guterres started loudly ringing the alarm bells about what could happen, saying, during a video message released to the officials from rich, developed nations and their less developed peers, that: “There is a real risk that multiple famines will be declared in 2022. And 2023 could be even worse.” [ READ MORE ]

Jun 17, 2022
Farmers Warn Soaring Diesel Prices
Could Cause Food Shortages

Soaring diesel prices could cause food shortages, farmers warned this week.

Speaking at NewsNation’s On Balance with Leland Vittert, President of the National Black Farmers Association John Boyd Jr. said food storages are likely to come in the following months.

“For so long, we’ve enjoyed lots of food in this country, so we’ve never ever faced a food shortage and I think that’s coming in the coming months,” Boyd said. [ READ MORE ]

Jun 08, 2022
Complete Coincidence? At Least 7 Large Farm Fires Scorch U.S. in Last 10 Days

There were seven major farm fires in the United States over a recent 10-day period.

In the big picture, they were for the most part relatively small-scale events. But with reports of so many fires at food production facilities, you can’t help but notice.

Coincidence? It could be. But it does get your attention. [ READ MORE ]

May 20, 2022
Is Soylent Green really that far fetched?

Exclusive: Brent Smith figures lefties eventually will push for 'people food' to fight climate change The other day, I ran across an article from 2019 entitled, "After death: Washington state set to become the first to allow human composting."

It passed the state legislature in April 2019, and in May of that same year, it was signed into law by Gov. Jay Inslee.

That's right. "Seattleites will likely soon have a unique option to remember their loved ones after they die. Washington state is set to become the first to allow 'natural organic reduction' as a burial alternative – commonly referred to as human composting," wrote Seattlepi.

"Democratic Sen. Jamie Pedersen of Seattle sponsored the bill because he said it makes sense – it's a low environmental impact way to dispose of remains. 'We can show the way for the world about a better way in dealing with this universal human experience – composting bodies could allow for the deceased to give back. The process will turn a body into soil within weeks." [ READ MORE ]

Watch the Full 1973 Classic Movie!
Soylent Green
(Yes, same year as Roe v. Wade)

May 14, 2022
India, 2nd-largest wheat producer, bans exports amid food supply concerns

Global wheat prices have increased by more than 40% since beginning of year

India, the second-largest producer of wheat, has banned exports of the commodity, due to a risk to its food security.

A Friday notice in the government gazette signed by Santosh Kumar Sarangi, the Director General of Foreign Trade, said that a "sudden spike" in the global prices of wheat was putting India, neighboring and other vulnerable countries at risk. [ READ MORE ]

May 12, 2022
Half a million pounds of chicken being pulled, destroyed

Small recall rapidly expands

America is well into a growing food crisis, with shelves empty of baby formula and serious egg shortages. Now there's also a major hiccup in the chain of chicken products.

Wayne Farms previously recalled 30,285 pounds of ready-to-eat chicken breast fillet products because they may be undercooked, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. [ READ MORE ]

May 06, 2022
Fertilizer Prices Continue Rising, Increasing Fears of Global Grain Costs and Shortages

As CTH has noted since last October the rapid increases in fertilizer costs could potentially create a major issue for global food supplies later this summer.

As the farming costs continue escalating, including fertilizer and diesel fuel prices, this will eventually lead to major price increases on the harvests. Field to fork inflation is looking increasingly severe later this year; what we have called the third wave of inflation.

Beyond prices, a primary impact in the U.S. market, concerns are now escalating about grain shortages and lower European crop yields which will lead to less food products on a global basis. According to information shared by ZeroHedge, “We think it will take at least 2-3 years to replenish global grains stocks,” Illinois-based CF Industries Holdings Inc.’s president and chief executive officer Tony Will said in a statement in Wednesday’s earnings report.”

Axios is reporting on the continued escalation of fertilizer prices; however, they conveniently and purposefully avoid noting the origin of the problem in North America is directly the result of Joe Biden’s immediate energy policies that drove up the costs of natural gas (a critical component): [ READ MORE ]

May 05, 2022
Global Food Crisis: ‘Perfect Storm’ of World Hunger Thanks to the Ukraine Crisis and COVID Could Starve Millions

Millions are at risk of starvation thanks to COVID and the ongoing war in Ukraine, both of which have helped create a “perfect storm” of a global food crisis.

Experts have warned that millions of people across the world are on the brink of starvation thanks to a “perfect storm” of a global food crisis.

A report by the Global Network Against Food Crises — a multinational organisation founded by the European Union as well as various United Nations bodies — found that 2021 represented the worst year for world hunger, but that things could soon get a whole lot worse thanks to a wide variety of ongoing geopolitical problems. [ READ MORE ]

May 05, 2022
World's Largest Fertilizer Company Warns Crop Nutrient Disruptions Through 2023

The world's largest fertilizer company warned supply disruptions
could extend into 2023.

A bulk of the world's supply has been taken offline due to the invasion of Ukraine by Russia. This has sparked soaring prices and shortages of crop nutrients in top growing areas worldwide; an early indication of a global food crisis could be in the beginning innings. [ READ MORE ]

May 04, 2022
Bird flu explodes in U.S.: Millions of chickens dead

At the same time, bizarre disasters hit food plants

One can almost understand how pharaoh might have felt as God sent plagues of locusts, frogs, darkness and more upon Egypt.

Of course, things are not that bad, but seemingly daily news items of fertilizer shortages, transportation and fuel issues, food processing plant fires, continued concern about COVID and talk of the unmentionable -- nuclear war -- make one say: What is going on?

Now you can add one more “plague” to the list: bird flu. It’s killing millions of chickens, turkeys and ducks and is raising food prices, according to CNBC.

May 02, 2022
25 Mysterious fires at food processing plants across US; ‘End-of-days food shortage’

As more food processing plants burn down, the prophecy of pre-Messianic food shortages looms more imminent. Though labeled a conspiracy theory, the facts remain undeniable; prices are rising as supply chain problems persist and food becomes dear.

Biden: Planning to “disseminate food shortages.”

The story comes in the wake of a presidential prediction that food shortages were about to become a reality due to the war in Ukraine. While addressing the subject, President Biden made a gaffe that made it seem that the food shortages were, in fact, planned.

“We had a long discussion in the G7 with the, with both the United States, which has a significant — the third-largest producer of wheat in the world — as well as Canada, which is also a major, major producer, and we both talked about how we could increase and disseminate more rapidly food, food shortages,” Biden said at NATO Headquarters in Brussels on March 24. The video has been removed by Facebook. The transcript of that address has also been altered slightly.

“With regard to food shortages, yes, we did talk about food shortages. And it’s going to be real,” Biden said at a press conference last week in Belgium after attending meetings of NATO and G7 leaders. The president referred to 8% inflation as “the price of sanctions.”

“Both Russia and Ukraine have been the breadbasket of Europe in terms of wheat, for example, just to give one example,” Biden said. [ READ MORE ]

May 01, 2022
Wave of Destroyed Food Facilities

Dozens of industrial food processing facilities have been damaged or destroyed by fires, plane crashes, and other accidents in recent weeks.

Another food processing facility has caught fire in (501 Barnes Road), Chesapeake, Virginia on Saturday, amid a spate of mysterious food plant accidents taking place across America.

The latest incident took place at the Perdue Farms grain processing facility, where a soybean tank was found ablaze by plant workers. [ READ MORE ]

Greg Reese Report - Apr 30, 2022 - Runtime: 5:55
Big Pharma Set To Control Entire Food Supply
Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum are planning to replace your food
with gene edited produce and lab grown meat

Apr 29, 2022
Food Shortages In SIX MONTHS – The Globalists Are Telling Us What Happens Next

The Great Reset agenda proposed by WEF head Klaus Schwab is just one example of the many discussions hidden in plain sight by globalists concerning their plans to use economic and social decline as an “opportunity” to quickly establish a new one world system based on socialism and technocracy.

Preparedness today costs nothing tomorrow. Lack of preparedness today costs EVERYTHING tomorrow. In mid 2007 the Bank for International Settlements (The central bank of central banks) released a statement predicting an impending “Great Depression” caused by a credit market implosion. That same year the International Monetary Fund also published warnings of “subprime woes” leading to wider economic strife. I started writing alternative economic analysis only a year earlier in 2006 and I immediately thought it was strange that these massive globalist institutions with far reaching influence on the financial world were suddenly starting to sound a lot like those of us in the liberty movement.

This was 16 years ago, so many people reading this might not even remember, but in 2007 the alternative media had already been warning about an impending deflationary crash in US markets and housing for some time. And, not surprisingly, the mainstream media was always there to deny all of our concerns as “doom mongering” and “conspiracy theory.” Less than a year later the first companies awash in derivatives began to announce they were on the verge of bankruptcy and everything tanked.

The media response? They made two very bizarre claims simultaneously: “No one could have seen it coming” and “We saw this coming a mile away.” Mainstream journalists scrambled to position themselves as the soothsayers of the day as if they said all along that the crash was imminent, yet, there were only a handful of people who actually did call it and none of them were in the MSM. Also ignored was the fact that the BIS and IMF had published their own “predictions” well before the crash; the media pretended as if they did not exist.

Apr 24, 2022
FBI Warns of Targeted Cyber Attacks On Food Plants After Mysterious Rash Of Fires

"Ransomware actors may be more likely to attack agricultural cooperatives during critical planting and harvest seasons, disrupting operations, causing financial loss, and negatively impacting the food supply chain."

The FBI’s Cyber Division published a notice this past week warning about increased cyber-attack threats on agricultural cooperatives, which comes at a time when a curious string of fires and explosions damage major food processing plants across the country. [ READ MORE ]

Apr 23, 2022
Food Shortage Crisis? Dozens of Food Processing Plants Destroyed In Fires, Accidents In Recent Weeks Comes amid mass purchases of U.S. farmland by Bill Gates and China, unprecedented supply chain breakdowns, and skyrocketing food costs from inflation and the Ukraine war

Dozens of food processing plants and warehouses have been destroyed by fires, plane crashes, and other curious accidents in recent weeks, representing a disturbing trend that falls outside the realm of coincidence.

The latest incident happened in Covington, Georgia when a plane crashed into a General Mills plant on Thursday, killing two people and destroying a number of trailers stored at the plant.

The crash happened just before Fox News Tucker Carlson was about to report on the curious spate of food plant accidents, leaving him flabbergasted at the apparent coincidence.

“What’s going on here? Well, the story gets weirder: food processing plants all over the country seem to be catching fire. A couple of days ago, a fire destroyed the headquarters of Azure Standard – one of the largest organic food distributors in the country,” Tucker reported Thursday. [ READ MORE ]

Apr 22, 2022
Food processing facilities all across America are mysteriously burning down: Why?

Over the past month, at least five major food processors across four different states have burned down or had planes crash into them. Is it all just a big coincidence, or is something more nefarious going on? The most recent incident took place at Azure Standard’s joint headquarters and warehouse facility in Oregon, which mysteriously burned to the ground on the night of April 18.

Azure Standard is the nation’s premier independent distributor of organic and healthy food. An email alerting affiliates to the damage explained that “basically any … liquid product,” including honey, oil, and vinegar, will now be out of stock as a result.

Azure Standard also lost its fruit packing and carob product facility, though the silver lining is that fruit harvesting season has not yet come so the losses are less than what they could have been.

“The blaze appears to have received almost zero media attention, only being covered in a terse rewrite of the press release by small town media outlet Columbia Gorge News and the Columbia Community Connection News (CCC) blog,” reported Vision Times. [ READ MORE ]

Apr 22, 2022
Tucker reports on ‘odd coincidence’ of multiple food processing plants burning down: ‘What’s going on?’

Something odd appears to be happening across America:
In the past six months, 18 U.S. food processing plants have reportedly burned down, and Twitter has questions.

“This is an odd coincidence,” remarked Wall Street Silver, who posted a collage of headlines from Texas, Nebraska, Oregon, Tennessee, California, and more, all screaming “Fire!”

“Anyone else been following this?” the hugely popular Catturd asked Thursday.

Apr 22, 2022
What's going on with all these food processing plant disasters?

Tucker Carlson Discusses Food Processing Plants Across the Country Catching Fire, Over a Dozen Factories Destroyed, Including Two
THIS WEEK in Plane Crashes

Radio show host Jason Rantz discusses the alarming number of recent industrial accidents on 'Tucker Carlson Tonight.' [ READ MORE ]

Apr 22, 2022
Why Are America’s Food Processing Plants Suddenly Exploding?

Is it normal for the United States to experience so many disasters in such a short period of time at major food processing facilities? Since January 1, 2022, America has seen fires, explosions, and plane crashes in plants and distribution centers. [ READ MORE ]

Apr 22, 2022
A List Of 16 Major Fires That Have Occurred At Key Food Industry Facilities In US Since Start Of 2022

Can anyone explain why absolutely massive fires just keep erupting again and again at critical facilities all over America?

The tragic destruction by fire of the headquarters of Azure Standard in Oregon shocked millions of people, and since that news broke quite a few readers have been reaching out to me about the long string of unusual blazes that we have been witnessing from coast to coast in recent months. I decided to look into this phenomenon for myself, and I am sharing what I have discovered so far in this article. Dr. Benjamin Braddock and others had already been digging into this, and their research proved quite valuable as I began my investigation. Some of the incidents that people have reported I was not able to independently verify, and others I felt were too minor to be put on this list. With all that being said, the following is a list of 16 major fires that have occurred at key food industry facilities in the U.S. since the start of 2022… [ READ MORE ]

Apr 21, 2022
A String of Fires Destroys Food Processing Facilities Across America

A curious string of fires and plane crashes over the last month have destroyed the facilities of at least five major food processors across four different states, exacerbating an escalating inflation and supply chain crisis that is quickly becoming chronic.

The most recent instance appears to be the destruction of Oregon-based Azure Standard’s joint headquarters and warehouse facilities during the night of April 18.

Azure Standard Headquarters In the text of an email alerting affiliates to the damage, the company describes itself as “the USA’s largest independent food distributor.”

It notes that “basically any…liquid product,” such as honey, oil, and vinegar, will be out of stock as a result of the damage.

Azure Standard also states it lost its fruit packing and carob product facility in the blaze, but expects limited effect as a result of the fruit harvesting season not yet being in swing. [ READ MORE ]

Alex Jones Show - Apr 19, 2022 - Runtime: 11:56
Food Shortages Ahead as Globalist Great Reset Moves to Starve Out Humanity

Alex Jones breaks down the food shortages humanity will face as the globalists implement the Great Reset to starve out humanity.

Greg Reese Report - Jan 15, 2022 - Runtime: 5:31
America's Food Supply Fertilized With Human Remains And Coated With Nanoparticles

US Corporations do not need to tell you what nanotechnologies they are putting in your food

Greg Reese Report - Oct 29, 2021 - Runtime: 3:15

EMERGENCY REPORT: Nano Particles to Contaminate Entire Food Supply Under Guise of Food Safety

The plan to destroy the food chain and further cripple humanity

Jun 09, 2020
UN warns 'food systems are failing' amid coronavirus pandemic

United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres said Tuesday that nearly 50 million more people are expected to enter “extreme poverty” due to the coronavirus pandemic, which has also impacted global food distribution.

“There is more than enough food in the world to feed our population of 7.8 billion people, but today, more than 820 million people are hungry," Guterres said in a policy brief on food security Tuesday. “Our food systems are failing, and the COVID-19 pandemic is making things worse."


More than 20 million people across the Horn of Africa are struggling with acute food insecurity, according to United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO).

Even countries with abundant food supplies like the United States have experienced food disruption, as the U.S. meat industries reported earlier this year when they warned 10 million pigs, chickens and cows could be culled as a result the coronavirus.

Just over a dozen of the over 800 slaughterhouses in the U.S. closed due to the pandemic, but only about 50 plants process 98 percent of U.S. beef supply, the New York Times reported. [ READ MORE ]

Greg Reese Report - Apr 28, 2020 - Runtime: 4:35
American Farmers Being Ordered To Depopulate Livestock And Destroy Crops

An urgent message from American farmers

Dec 24, 2018
List of corporations that use tissue from aborted babies in their products

Every time you purchase mass-produced processed “food” from the likes of Kraft, PepsiCo, or Nestle, you’re choosing, whether you realize it or not, to feed your family not only genetically engineered poisons and chemical additives, but also various flavoring agents manufactured using the tissue of aborted human babies.

It’s true: A company based out of California, known as Senomyx, is in the business of using aborted embryonic cells to test fake flavoring chemicals, both savory and sweet, which are then added to things like soft drinks, candy and cookies. And Senomyx has admittedly partnered with a number of major food manufacturers to lace its cannibalistic additives into all sorts of factory foods scarfed down by millions of American consumers every single day.

Known as “HEK-293,” the aborted human fetal cell line used by Senomyx is manipulated to evaluate how the human palate will react to synthetic flavors used in the production of processed foods. Since most processed foods on the market today are hardly food to begin with, and typically lack any real flavor or appeal on their own, chemical companies like Senomyx are hired to develop artificial ones (which are often deceptively labeled as “natural flavors”) in order to make them taste like real food.

But because these ingredients can be legally disguised with vague descriptors like “artificial flavors” and even “natural flavors,” most consumers have no idea that these additives, in some cases, are actually made using the cell tissue of unborn babies that were murdered through abortion. It’s sickening but true, and people must learn the truth in order to avoid partaking in what EndAllDisease.com says amounts to a satanic ritual. [ READ MORE ]

Runtime: 41:44
Americans must prepare for EXTREME POVERTY
as 50-year economic FAIRY TALE implodes

Also See:

They are turning Human Beings into Fertilizer

The Global Depopulation Agenda

See the Full 1973 Classic Movie
Soylent Green
(Yes, same year as Roe v. Wade)

And you can check out other TP pages by
[ Clicking Here ]

It is said that "Music is a Universal Language"

Music is Energy for the Spirit...

(Best listened to 'piped' through a home stereo)

Sacred Spirit - Book Of Secrets - Runtime: 1:29:21

- If your audio control does not work:
[ click here ]

(I think there must be a message in here, somewhere...)
Page with A Mix of 35 Tracks-Total Runtime: 2:55:19

Page with a Selected Mix of 21 Tracks from 3 Albums

Page with a Mix of 66 Tracks from 7 Albums of The Best

Page with a Mix of 89 Tracks from 8 Albums

3 Selected Prophetic Tracks from the first Album

Page with First Album of 6 Tracks-Total Runtime: 41:08

Page with a Mix of 10 Tracks from 2 Albums

Page with a Mix of 43 Tracks from 7 Albums of The Best

Mix of Full Albums with 18 Tracks-Total Runtime: 8:11:45

Page with a Mix of 17 Tracks from Several Albums

Extended Play Mix of 194 Tracks-Total Runtime: 21:57:01
Great for Background Study and Relaxation

Extended Play Mix of 8 Tracks, Total Runtime: 22:09:20
Great for Background Study and Relaxation

Mix of 14 Tracks-Some Extended-Total Runtime: 7:46:18
Great for Background Prayer and Meditation

Mix of 5 Tracks-Incl. 2 Albums-Total Runtime: 1:47:04

Symphony Orchestra-18 Tracks-Total Runtime: 1:17:44

Symphony No. 9 - 7 Tracks-Total Runtime: 56:26

Page with Mix of 5 Albums - Various World Music Artists

A Mix of 30 Tracks-Total Runtime: 1:54:18

Selected Mix of 16 Tracks from a Live Concert+Bonus 7

Page with Full Album of 8 Tracks-Total Runtime: 49:15

Comprehensive Mix of 115 Tracks-Total Runtime: 13:56:05
Great for Background Study and Relaxation

Comprehensive Mix of 115 Tracks-Total Runtime: 14:14:29
Ambient Low-Volume for Deep-Sleep and Dreaming

Beautiful Relaxing Background-Total Runtime: 3:00:12

Mix of 104 Tracks-Incl. 3 Albums-Total Runtime: 9:26:55

Mix of 19 Tracks-Incl. 1 Album-Total Runtime: 2:27:30

Calling All Angels!...

Classic Sci-Fi Entertainment
Mad Scientists,
Crazy Alien Creatures,
Futuristic Technologies,
Cosmic Threats,
what could possibly go wrong?...

It is said that yesterday's 'science fiction'
can often become today's 'science fact'...

Soundtrack to the Movie Dune

Other Truth Project Pages:


Archbishop Issues Warning of 'The Great Reset'

Dr. Robert W. Malone, MD Warns Against The "Vaccines"

Catherine Austin-Fitts Lays Out the Global Beast Slave System

Greg Reese Reports on The Covid Scam and on the "Vaccines"

Biosludge!: They are now turning Human Beings into Fertilizer

EXPLOSIVE! - Interview with Steve Quayle, Gary Heavin, and
Mike Adams + David Icke

The Lost Years of Jesus - Travel to India, Tibet and Persia?

Main-Stream Media Coverage about the UFO Phenomena

Civilizational Change: Hard Times - Strong / Weak Men

SHUT DOWN Bio-Weapons Labs and the Death Shots!!

Earth Changes: Worlds Between the Earth and the Sky

The AI Control Grid: Threats to Our Planet & Humanity

The Basics: Truth and the Nature of Scientific Inquiry

The Moody Blues - The Best Selections - Album Mix

What YOU CAN DO To Prepare And Fight The Cabal!

The Nature of the Human Mind and Consciousness

The 'Perfect Storm' of Global Famine on the Horizon

Technology: The Good, The Bad, and The Terrifying

Good Times - Hard Times - Strong Men - Weak-Men

Nature of Reality: Of Information, Energy & Matter

David Icke - World Events and Human Psycopathy


Renaissance - Tales of 1001 Nights - Live Concert

Dr. Steven Greer - The Cosmic Hoax and More

Full Length Sci-Fi Classic Movies 1950's Style

Pink-Floyd - The Best Selections - Album Mix

Dan Fogelberg & Tim Weisberg - Twin Sons

Flock of Seagulls with The Psychedlic Furs

The BoDeans - Home - Outside Looking In

Anthony Phillips - The Geese & the Ghost

Sleepscapes - Ambient Deep Sleep Music

Peter Gabriel - Red Rain Coming Down

Emerson, Lake & Palmer - Lucky Man

Pangea - Deep Forest - World Music

Global War And The Nuclear Threat

The Adventures of Flash Gordon!

The Global Depopulation Agenda

Fake "Vaccine" 'Clot-Kill Shots'

Battlefield America: 2022-2024

The Truth Project Full Concert

A Message to Planet Earth:

The Great Global Collapse

King Crimson - Epitaph

Rise of the Machines

The Oblivion Agenda

The Music of Enigma

The Fall of the Cabal

What is Science?

The Control Grid

The Outer Limits



Secret Societies

What is Truth?

Soylent Green


Ghost World

World Party!


Only You


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[ What YOU CAN DO To Prepare And To Fight The Cabal! ]

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